If It Is You - Cheongryeo and Judan

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"We will win"

No matter what he says, it always do come true. No matter what he do, he always makes the group to higher level. If you would ask anyone of the group members of VTIC, everyone will admit one thing.

Their leader, Cheongryeo, is a monster talent. 

He is a best leader who knows what he is doing. Cheongryeo is the idol of all times. Enough to be even called as the incarnation of an idol.

VTIC Cheongryeo, no one can replace him.

"Jaehyun? What do you mean?"

"Isn't he staying up all night this time again?"

After they all made a comeback just as soon as they get discharged in the army, one can tell that the VTIC is still on rise. 

But if it would be compared to their junior, indeed, the lost. Their junior, the TeStar just ranked no. 1 in the billboards. 

Are they sad? A bit. To taste defeat, it was their first time. 

After all, cheongryeo is always doing his best to lead the team in only one place, the top. 

It was their first defeat but somehow, they all can tell thag it doesn't sound as bad as it is. 

They know they can still surpass their limits. Because they are VTIC. 

But even after numbers of winnings and unfailing name rising, some of the members could not help but be worried.


Their leader is not in the best shape.

Why so?

Is he sick? No. 

It was kongi.

"He visit the vet. You don't have to worry, chaeyul"

" I know i know but, somehow... Even if i tell him to take care of himself, which i know i wouldn't do, i know he would not listen to me"

Closing the book he is reading, Judan knew the worries of his friend. After all, even Shinoh can tell how worried Jaehyun is for kongi.

"Can you... Talk to him? Judan, try to convince him..."

Chaeyul pleaded, he can't even sleep because of his worries. 

'It is not like anything would be different if it was you or me who talk to him... '

Always preparing for the worst, Judan din not build any expectations in anything he do. Always thinking of the far worst to come in any situation.

'He would probably just think of me as an air or even glare at me for not minding my own business. But... Hah'

Looking at the guy who looks like he would see the world collapsing, Judan decided to do what he can. 

'It is not like it would be bad to try. But honestly, Moondae hubae got the highest probability of making Jaehyun rest even for a bit'

Thinking about the good relationship between the two, he somewhat had a bitter smile on his lips without even realizing.

Walking to the very spot where Jaehyun and Kongi can be seen, he stood their and watch the scene.