A Simple Guy | Cha Eugene TeStar

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Cha Eugene, the second youngest of the Testa member stretch his arms as he cover his yawning mouth. Half asleep, he made his way to the kitchen to get some water.

Tik toc tik

It is 2:30 in the morning.

'Just 30 minutes?'

He grumbled as he hear the pouring sound of the water falling on the cup he is holding. No matter how much he tried to sleep early, he is still the last member to sleep. But now that he seems to be the very first to wake up, he somehow feel annoyed that he lost the 30 minutes time he should be pouring on his sleep time.

'We need to wake up by 3am and head in the salon and practice our last choreography and-'

Not wanting to finish all the things he need to do, he finished the glass of water he have on his hand.

'Should I just move now and sleep after I am done getting myself ready?'

Having that thought in mind, Eugene readied himself and in no time, he is done. He just wore a comfortable clothe since he can change right away when they are about to leave.

Closing his eye, he set himself in the comfort of the couch.


A door opened and soon a faint step follows. He did not even dare open his eyes since he wants to get some more sleep to rechange his energy. And soon, he fall in deep slumber.


Meanwhile, the other member of Testa are gathered around in the kitchen. It is 6:30 in the morning. Some of them are looking at the man sleeping in the sofa with his red head looking up straight in the ceiling. The small pillow is also covering half of his face.

"Why did he sleep there?"

"I saw him sleeping there when I get some water... I think it is almost 3 that time"

"Huh? But why did he wake up so early? Mundaemundae, you didn't cook midnight snacks without me knowing, right?"

"I am sleeping all night"

"Did he play all night and forgot to sleep in his room?"

Members looking at each other had wild guess. But only RAP-IN have the courage to say it bluntly.

"That idiot forgot it is Thursday, he probably thought it is Friday already"

Slightly giggling while thinking about that, Raebin shook his head.

Bae Sejin slightly nods his head in agreement to that matter.

"M-moondae... are you going t-to cook?"


"Wow, is it kimchi fried rice?"

Sniff, sniff

The savory smell makes everyone be hungry. It is not different to the guy whose stomach is as big as tiger's.


Shouting as soon as he wake up from his sleep, Cha Eugene head in the kitchen and saw all the other members gathered around.

"Oh! Moondae hyung cooked for breakfast?! Wow!"

But his excitement falls when notice the time.


"We are late!!"

He shouted hysterically.

"It is Thursday" Kim Raebin muttered while already holding a bowl for the almost done fried rice.


But soon he get back to his senses when Moondae put the bowl of kimchi fried rice on the table.

"Wow! Kimchi Fried rice!"

Chungwoo just smile. Thinking that the worries that they had is not needed.

This guy with his fang showing every time he smile is so simple and Moondae knows it well.

"Moondae hyung! Second please!"

And so, the lively day of Testa's vacation day proceeds.

Of course, with Moondae cooking seconds since the first batch is devoured in no time.

"Mundaemundae, you should cook more because you know that much in not enough for us"

Glaring at Keun Sejin, the tall guy raised both of his hand in surrender. Not wanting to anger Moondae who will probably give him less shares if he say any more words.

-Cha Eugene TeStar