Moondae, You Have A Baby?!: Chapter 9- Oh No...

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As soon as they saw the post of the SNS, it was as if cold water was poured on them.


"I... I ask Mom to buy it since I am not sure what to buy. She bought some other stuffs but... someone seemed to notice I was with them. I..."

Holding a glass of water, Ahyeon feels so bad about causing trouble.

"I didn't notice someone was following the car and..."

Keun Sejin was the one to ask.

"They saw you holding that when you leave the car?"

Nodding his head, he looks down.

'It would be weird to bring it back when he was holding it when he left the car. And what else can he say when he is heading inside the TeStar's accommodation?

"Sorry.. I..."

Everyone assured him that it is not his fault. No one blames him since it was the media and sasaeng's fault for stalking an idol.

"It is not like we have a kid. We shouldn't be afraid"

"Ah, right, paternity test. No one can say that we are the father since... Jaehyun..."

Looking at each other, they now have one worries.


What if someone claim it is Cheongryeo's kid? Cheongryeo is not here to defend himself since... he turns to a baby.

So what if the media bomb the world saying TeStar and other VTIC's members are taking care of Cheongryeo's kid while Cheongryeo is away looking for the mother of his kid?

"That was... plausible..."

Now they feel the heaviness of the situation. But looking at the kid that was the main reason for such rumor...

"What should we do now?"

They gulp. No one seems to know what the action they would take would be. If the media learns about Jaehyun missing... they won't be surprised if articles about him being a father would fill the SNS...

Tikas, the fandom of VTIC's, they are now worried when Shin-oh and Judan are learned to be staying in the accommodation of TeStar. Some of the Loviewers are questioning the Star Orbit as well.


[Information on TeStar Kid Issue]

Hello. This is Orbit Star Entertainment.

We have heard about your concern regarding the issue of TeStar having a kid. We apologize for the issue that has worried you but we would like to clarify that none of the members of TeStar have a child...


The company takes an action. With the knowledge of the confirmation that the kid is not theirs, it is not a lie to publish a post regarding that matter. It was enough to calm down the situation.

"Will it be enough?"

"Let's wait and see..."

"Sorry guys, it is my fault..."

Moondae looked at Sun Ahyeon, the guy who was still stressed about the situation.

"It is not like that. Look, some articles show photos of Bigmoon/Keundal. Even Keunse. So it seems like they have been stalking us about this matter"

"Yes, more than that, we should find out how we can bring Jaehyun back to normal" Shin-oh looked at Jaehyun who was playing with the things that Ahyeon brought. Kicking the ball, he is playing with Kongi.

The sight is such a medicine for their heart.

"But if you would ask me... I think I like Jaehyoung more. Don't you think so? Mundaemundae?"

"Jaehyoung?" Ahyeon asked with confusion. The other guys also find it awkward to address VTIC's leader like that.

But well, if Bae Sejin were there, for sure he would say it as many times as he could just to have a small revenge for that guy.


Baby Jaehyun, not knowing what those guys were talking about, he was happily playing past the ball with Kongi.


Moondae looks at the kid Cheongryeo and compares him to the original Cheongryeo the bastard that tried to kill him before... somehow he can't help but find it hard not to object Keunse's statement.