Shut Up - Park Moondae TeSTAR

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Tapping his shoulder, the big guy in the seven groups of stars is trying to get their lead vocalist's attention. But to his regret, the said guy just looked at him with a furrow on his face.

Why so? You asked?


"Okay, I know that you are no longer relying on alcohol. Sure you can drink but... not too much!" Baese pointed out. Still worried about Moondae. But he knew full well how that guy already managed his drinking.

A smile escaped in Moondae's lips along with a small nod. Ryu Cheongwoo, the guy who owns that said drink. The younger kids is not around, for both Cha Eugene and Kim Raebin are in a photoshoot for the magazine that would feature them.

Seon Ahyeon on the other hand is still in his room, doing the hobby that he always do. Keun Sejin is taking a bath.

"But this would taste great with some snacks" their leader uttered.

"Why don't we head out to buy some? I also need to buy something" the eldest murmured thinking those things he needs to buy.

Looking at the one with apple flavor one last time, Park Moondae nods his head.

"I will get just get my jacket"

With a happy feet, Moondae head back to the room where he was lucky to be roommate with Ahyeon.

"Ahyeon, we will buy some snacks, would you like anything in particular?"

"Ah! I ran out of cherry tomato... can you..."

Nodding his head, Ahyeon glint in smile. Like an angel who descend to give his pure energy.

"Okay, anything else?"

Shaking his head furiously, the smile still remains on his lips.

"Thank you!"

And so Moondae leave the room. Joining Baese who is already outside.

"Ah, wait a minute guys, I forgot my wallet"

Ryu Cheongwoo laugh while heading inside. Baese and Moondae just waited for that guy to come back. On his way outside, Cheongwoo bumped to Keun Sejin.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yeah, gonna buy some snacks to join the drink I brought"

"Oh! So bad, I have to do something I can't join you..."

Patting his back, he tried to cheer up the big guy.

"You can get one and bring it with you. It is just a light drink so I think it won't be bad"

"Really?! Woah! Thanks hyung!"

And so their leader joins Baese and Moondae to buy some snacks. It was a good day indeed. Or so it was supposed to be. Not until they arrive back at the accommodation.


Eyes widening, the moment Park Moondae releases the bags on the table, his eye looks around to find the drink he has been wanting to drink ever since his eyes first landed on it.

'Shit, is it gone?'

Ryu Cheongwoo realizing what happened opened the receipt he left inside his pocket.

'I thought I bought three of the apple flavor?' a furrow escaped on his face as he remembered that they just had one stock left. Making him unable to purchase more of apple-flavored alcohol.


He called his name but all he could see is a Tibetan fox and not a Moondae. Bae Sejin look at Ryu Cheongwoo, asking what happened. It was then Ahyeon came out from his room.

"You guys are back. Ah, Sejin left already, hyung" facing Ryun Cheongwoo, he smiled "And also! Heasked me to tell you that he brought one drink with him. 'Thank you, I will enjoy it' He said"

"Ahyeon... in any case, did you perhaps saw what drink Sejin took?"

"If I remember it correctly... Sejin is holding one with apple icon... why did you asked? Moondae?"

The gloom on his face got worst.

"Moondae! We will buy more of it! Ah... let's ask for a delivery! Cheongwoo! Right?!" Flustered Baese tried to cheer him up but Moondae did not say a word.

'That bastard...'

He furrow more, remembering Keun Sejin's grinning face.

[End of Flashback]


"I am so sorry! Hey, please listen to Sejinie... I didn't know there is only one apple flavor left! Forgive me already~"

Pleading as he face the Tibetan fox, Sejin Keun tried to act cute.

"Seeing Mundaemundae hate me is killing Sejinie's heart!"

"Then die"


The doorbell echoed in the room. Making Keun Sejin smile with wide grin.

"Oh! It is here!"

"Did you order something? Hyung?" Kim Raebin was on his way to open the door when he halted since Sejin was rushing with big steps.

"Yep! An apology for moondae-yah!"


Presenting the drinks that all fall in the category of apple, from liquor to ordinary flavored juice, a box of it is now in front of Park Moondae

"Tada~ I want to give you a gifticon but I think you would like it if it is already here and you can drink it whenever you like"

Feeling proud of what he did, Sejin saw Moondae's surprised face. He could not help but be glad.

"This is all for mundaemundae only! I will put your name on each one of them so don't worry! No one will steal your beloved apple!"

Frowning, Moondae's eyes met Keun Sejin's. The big guy just smile as he hang his hand on Moondae's shoulder.

"So... are you still mad at me?"

He grinned offering Moondae the very drink he stole.

"Shut up"

Moondae took the drink and opened it right away. Gulping the drink, Keun Sejin could not help but smile. As soon as he wiped his mouth, Moondae opened it and spoke.

"I will think about it" the TeSTAR's lead vocalist grins.