Same Age Group WeTube Live - The Fandom's Ships

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It was yet another lovely day for the Loviewer. Why did I say so? It was because their favorite TeStar is now Live on WeTube!

Sipping on her soda, the die hard college student can't remove her eyes from her laptop. Wearing her headphones, she cares no less about her surroundings and just continued to watch her idols interaction on the screen.

'Ah, what a lovely sight it really is'

She could not help but be thankful as she saw the same age group on screen as Keun Sejin keeps on teasing their dear Moondae. Ahyeon on the other hand tries his best to prevent any fightings.

Only the three of them are free to have a live today. Thus, it is the same age groups live for today's content!


[TeStar Park Moondae: Because of the survey result, today we will check the fandom of Loviewers as our content]

[TeStar Keun Sejin: Yup! I can't wait to see it!]

[TeStar Park Moondae: If you are wondering why it is just us three...]

Moondae look at Keun Sejin, then the big guy continued explaining as Moondae fix the angle of the camera.

[TeStar Keun Sejin: The other guys are busy in their schedule. Please watch our leader's commercial. Baese is also working on his movie]

[TeStar Keun Sejin: Ah! As for Eugene and Raebin, they are in a photoshoot today so only we will be here today]

Moondae come back and sit back beside the two. He was in the middle.

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: Yes! Please support the other members! They are all doing their best!]

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: ...!! We are doing our best too!]


Giggles echoed in the air. Laughter was shared not just to those inside the screen but as well as to those that are watching them from various places.

: Wah! Moondae is holding us!

: Omg, Ahyeon is so cute today as well!

: My, I came here for this!

: Keun Sejin!!! Is that the jacket you ordered in your last video?!

: Look! Moondae saw the angle is not so good that is why he fixed it! Ahhhh my heart would melt. He is such an angel!

: Look how Ahyeon is like an angel without even trying to be!

Numbers of comments flooded the comment section. And with the three idols not being able to see it for it is in a farther place, the main content proceeds


[TeStar Keun Sejin: Look, this one is a meme when Mundaemundae sings the trot so seriously]

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: I remember that]

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: Moondae sings so well]

[TeStar Park Moondae: And this one is when Ahyeon do the unexpected back flip]

[TeStar Keun Sejin: That one was awesome!

[TeStar Keun Sejin: You really nailed it back then, Ahyeonyah]

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: Thank you... it was nostalgic]

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: I was surprised I manage to do it as well]

[TeStar Park Moondae: But you improve so much now]

[TeStar Park Moondae: You can even do it whenever you like]