Where I Belong | Lee 'Keun' Sejin TeStar

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Again and again, I tried my best. I did all I can do just to prove them I am worthy. It is my dream to debut as an idol. It is my dream...

I give them my years in hoping they would help me achieve that dream but...

It is a failure.

Just because of that kid whose parent is an actor, my life turns like this. Who would think that I would be kicked just before my group debut?

I hate them...

I hate how my spot was easily taken

Is he worthy? Isn't he just picked because of his connections? So what if his parents are both actors? He... he did not work that hard as much as I do!

Why is it so unfair... why is it...

"Keun Sejin"

Huh? Is someone calling who?

I am Lee Sejin, did he mistaken-

"Keun Sejin!"

But it sounds as if it was me whom they are calling?

"Sejin B!"


I look at the side where those voices seems to be coming from.

Taking steps, I found myself running to chase those voice

"Keun Sejin!"

That name...

Right, that is also my name...

I am Lee Sejin... I am Keun Sejin... and I am one of the Sejin's of my wonderful group

A group where I am part as a sub dancer...

A group where three of us are of the same age...

A group that shared their ups and downs...

A group of oddly incompatible but compatible people...

A group of different leagues yet still the same...

Most of all...

A group where I belong...

I reach out the light. In the dark night full of nothing but black hue, I saw six stars shining and waiting for me.

And as I took a step and stand in the spot they save for me, there you can see the seven stars that gives light as bright as it can be.

"You are late"

I grin. Can't help but to do so.

Spreading my arm, I can feel it. This warmth, it is so comforting.

Right, why did I forget about it?

I am Lee Sejin and TeStar, it is a group where I belong.

"Thank you for waiting"

"Let's do our chant?"

"Testa, we will show you something!"

-Lee 'Keun' Sejin TeStar