If TeSTAR didn't Meet TeStar - Ryu Gunwoo and Lee 'Keun' Sejin

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"Ah! Yes?"

"What are you doing staring in the air?"

Laughing, his friend, or should you call his childhood friend, call him while hanging his hand on the big guy's shoulder. He is older than Lee Sejin, but since Sejin is naturally tall, the younger guy bends a bit for him instead.

"I am not staring in the air... I am looking at someone"

"Oh, you saw a pretty lady?"

"No! Silly"

"Then what are you looking at?"

Looking back at the guy holding his camera while sitting on the bench, Lee Sejin shook his head.


"Hey! Not fair!"

Sharing laughter, Sejin can't help but find it weird. He is a person who always has friends all around him. He can even call just anyone and they would treat him as their friend. He is a crowd person. Someone who is so outgoing that he would have no problem with anyone you bring him with.

But that is just that, something still seems to be lacking.

And for some reason, part of him wants to talk to the guy wearing a hat and glasses. That man looks lonely? No, he seems to be just good by just being by himself.

It was complicated to explain. Even him can't tell why.

'Well, if we meet again, I'll ask his name'

He thought to himself giving him a bit of courage to talk to that said guy.

And indeed, the very next day, he saw him again.

"Hello! I saw you holding a camera... do you perhaps do a commission in taking someone's photo?"

Looking at him, it was a look that was asking why all over his face.

Lee Sejin chuckled awkwardly as he scratched his nape.

"I am just taking a picture as a hobby..." The man with a plain black hair replied

"Ah, is that so? How bad..." he is slightly disappointed and a bit embarrassed at the same time.

'Maybe I really can't be friends with him' it was really a sad news.

"But if you like, I can take a few shots of you. But don't expect much"


A wide smile appeared in Sejin's face.

"Really?! Wow... man thank you!"

Standing up to while fixing his camera, Sejin still can't believe of what is happening.

'He is a kind person indeed!'

"What shots would you like to take?"

"Ah! I really don't have any idea..." he chuckled embarrassedly

'But you asked me to take a photo of you?' confused, a small frown shortly appeared as he thinks about it.

"Lee Sejin"

He wants to say more words other than that but in the end he just speak his name


"I am Lee Sejin, nice to meet you"

Looking at the hand he offered, like two persons acknowledging each one's existence, the man replied.

"Ryu Gunwoo"

They shake hands

"Um... would you mind if you take a photo of me while I dance? You see... I may not look like it but I am a dancer" he mumbled scratching his nape. Gunwoo just nods his head a bit.

"Really! Thank you Gunwoo yah!- Oh, would that be fine for me to call you that?"

"Do what you like. Um, when will I..."

"Ah, right! If you don't mind... it is just for a bit! We can head inside the practice area just right there"

Ryu Gunwoo looks at his watch and nods his head.

"Sure, I don't mind"

"So, let's go?"

Lee Sejin smiled, he is truly looking forward to it.

"I'll treat you later, you can choose anything you like!"

"Hmm... beef then"


"Gunwoo yah~"

Ryu Gunwoo chuckled.

"You don't have to. I am the one who offers to take some shots"

'I am not sure if we are friends now but maybe? Even just a bit?'