The Ten MIllion Child Actor - Bae Sejin

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"Is that Lee Sejin?"

"Wow... how could he cry in just 15 seconds?"

"Amazing! Go check out all his other movies!"

"He is so damn good in acting like a psychopath! It gives me goosebumps!"

"Oh wait, isn't he t the child shaman? You know, the ten million child actor!"

"Oh right! Now that I remember, it was him!"

Many people are praising Lee Sejin from left to right. After all, he showed a remarkable performance in the role he portrayed. Who would have thought that he would be able to go back to his acting career after being out for so long?

"I was so mad when I heard about his drug news but it ended up being fake so good luck Sejin!!"

"Yes! It is so nice that many people are recognizing you! Road to ten billion cutie!!"

No one can deny his talent. He is a naturally talented person when it comes to acting. Even if you list him to other actors, he would surely rank high at most.

-Ryu Cheongwoo-

"What are you watching?"

"Ah, this movie featuring Lee Sejin"

"Oh, Lee Sejin? Is he that... shaman kid?"

"I think so too"

Cheongwoo replied to his mother.

"Wow, time flies so fast. Don't you know you are the same age as him?"


"Yeah, what a coincidence, right?"


Looking back at the screen, he could not help but admire that person.

'He is the same age as me but he managed to go that far...' A smile crept up on his lips.

Even after thinking that way, he still believes that he has done a good job as well. He is not jealous of others for he himself knows how he manage to achieve something far bigger than what he expected.

-Lee 'Keun' Sejin-

'Oh, the one with the same name as me'

"Wow, I didn't know our Lee Sejin is so good in acting. Hey bro! Come one! Show me your tears in just 15 seconds! Come on hurry!"

"Shut up! Come here and I will show you your tears! You rascal!" he laughed while teasing with his childhood friends

-Seon Ahyeon-

"Oh, let's watch that movie honey"

"Sure, I think I have some time to spare. Let's go watch that"

"Is it fine for you our Ahyeon?"

Looking at her son, Ahyeon smiles and nods his head.

"Y-yes! I think t-the actor acts so great"

"Okay that is decided then, let's watch that movie"

-Kim Raebin-

"Grandma, is this the one you are looking?"

"Oh yes yes, you got it right, you are so great at this Raebin. Come, let's watch it together"

Raebin closed the lights and smiled before joining his grandparents that was already sitting on the couch.

"That kid is so good in his acting, Lee Sejin, it was his name, right?"

"Ah yeah, that shaman kid"

-Cha Eugene-

"You are eating popcorn again?"

"Yeah, it matches best while watching movie!"

"I didn't know you like watching movies like this"

"The actor is great, the plot is not cliché so I think it is nice"

His older brother grab some popcorn before leaving.

"Send me the title, I'll watch it later"

"Why not watch it now?"

"Got some plans"


The movie starts and Eugene pays no mind about other things than to munch his popcorn.

-Ryu Gunwoo-

With the actor Lee Sejin being the talk of the town, even Ryu Gunwoo starts to be curious about the movie they are praising so highly.

And soon as the watched the movie "He is indeed a great actor" Gunwoo thought to himself as he saw the video in his laptop screen.

"Well, it is not bad..."

He murmured as click to play the next movie that also features Lee Sejin 

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