Please Wake Up | Ryu Cheongwoo TeStar

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WARNING: May not be good for your mind.


I look at my hands and saw blood filling my palm. And right in front of me, Moondae was unconscious lying in his own blood.


There is no response.

"Moondae wake up!"

With my horse voice, I tried to utter. My hands are trembling. It won't stop. Before I knew it, a hand touched my back.

"Hyung? Why did you let that happen?"


"If I die... it is all your fault"

"No... I..."

"It should be you and not me"

"I'm sorry..."

"It is your fault"

A voice echoed in my head. I know that it is not Moondae. He is not a person like that. This is not true. For sure this is just my imagination.


"This is your fault"

"Moondae won't say things like that!"

It is not like I always shout. But I just can't help my mouth burst out so loud in frustration. This is not like me at all.

"If I die, it is on you"

"I said stop!"

Maybe because I am mad. Mad not because he is saying the truth. I am mad because I can do nothing about that. I am mad because...

I know I am the reason why it happened...

"Stop... please..."

Waking up, I found myself kicking my blanket.


I looked around and called out his name but I soon realized I was not in the accommodation. This is not my room. This is a hospital room.

And Moondae...

He is still unconscious.

Why did this happen?

If not for that manager... no... if only I was able to do something to stop him then none of this would happen.

Resting my face on my palm, I can still remember the scene of how Moondae saved me from such a fate. If not for him, maybe I am not here. If he didn't push me then I can see myself in worst. But in doing so... he was the one who-

I frown. Annoyed that he did that. but at the same time, I am glad that he helped me despite of what happened in the summer package.

Why did he do that? Did he know that this would happen to him? Why did he put himself in danger for me? I know he felt uncomfortable with me before but things are getting better. He also doesn't mean to act like that.

He was hurt... but he still saved me...

If he... If ever something bad happen- no, I shouldn't think like that. But still... if...

I let out a deep sigh.

It is my fault. I knew it and I hate myself for that.

All I can do is blame myself and hope that he will open his eyes soon. Hope that he will be back to us safely.

I will keep on hoping for that.


"Please wake up..."

-Ryu Cheongwoo TeStar

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