Same Age Group TeStar | Animals version

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Testa as animals

It was a wonderful day. Bear Keun Sejin decided to have a walk in the forest. That is when he saw a puppy, a corgi in fact. Being interested in that creature, he decided to follow it and watch. Until a deer came. It shivers but calm down as soon as his eyes landed on the corgi. As if feeling a sense of comfort. Following the puppy around, the corgi jumped in the puddle. Water splashes around, making the deer shiver a bit.

There was a frown forming on the bear's face. Part of it makes him ask what those two are doing in the middle of the forest and part of it is out of jealousy. He could not help but feel so left out.

'What are they doing?'

Keun Sejin the bear thought to himself as he continued to watch the puppy and the deer. But to his surprise, the puppy came out as a Tibetan fox when the puddle hit its face.


His eyes were wide open. Can't believe that it is possible. But indeed, it is. For who knows how it happened.

The deer followed the puppy who turned into a Tibetan fox. So curious about them, he walks to greet the two.

"B-bear! Mo- moondae!"

Ahyeon, the deer, shivered in fear as he hid behind the Tibetan fox who was left unpuzzled. It just sighs in vain. Still have a paint of annoyance on his face. Why so? The lovely puddle he was playing with ended up falling on his face that is why.


It mumbled shortly. Not wanting to say any more words than that.

Bewildered in the situation, Keun Sejin the bear laughed with all his might. It almost make his stomach burst. There is no hint of being a corgi in his face.

'What a funny fellow'

He thought. Most of them would be frightened by him or would like to be friends with him to get his back but it was the first time that someone care nothing about those sort of things.

'It is decided, I will tag along with you since you are so interesting'

And thus, the journey of the three different animals continued. No matter how mundaemundae, as what Keun the bear wants to call the corgi that can shift to a Tibetan fox wants to shrug the two off, the bear and the deer followed.

-Same Age Group | TeStar Animal Edition

Vote: What's your pick? Moondae puppy or Tibetan Fox Moondae?