381 - end

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Chapter 381

It was just before dawn.

Xiao Qi woke up, still a little dazed, in her aunt's basement bedroom.

Last night, after returning, she had a video call with Zaizai, painted for a while, studied some C language, and then went to bed.

She had been halfway through painting a portrait of the lovely Miss Gao Wenwen from yesterday.

She was an interesting young lady whose English was quite good, though her accent wasn't as natural as Xiao Qi's, since Qingmeng University didn't have as many foreign teachers for daily conversational practice as Enhua University did.

After speaking English with Xiao Qi, Miss Gao had become even more admiring of her. Last night, she had almost insisted on coming over to stay with Xiao Qi and her aunt.

Xiao Qi couldn't help but laugh. Her dad had to hold Miss Gao back before she gave up.

She never expected such an enthusiastic young lady. And judging from her good impression of Xiao Qi's aunt, life probably wouldn't be too bad if her aunt did end up marrying Uncle Gao in the future.

So Xiao Qi thought she would paint a picture as a gift for that young lady.

It was just dawning, and her aunt was already gone from her side, probably upstairs working. The hospital had a lot of tasks early in the morning, like tidying up before doctors made their rounds.

Xiao Qi finished the remaining half of the painting, then went for a run at the nearby high school.

The security guard surprisingly still remembered her and warmly asked, "Hey, little lady, on vacation?"

Xiao Qi nodded.

She had attended high school there for three years, but the security guard didn't remember her. Yet after running there for part of last summer vacation, he recognized her. She really had lacked presence back then.

Sometimes, time just passes by. If you don't do anything, you'll just quietly grow old.

You have to actively engage with the world, change yourself, and do more things to be remembered and have meaning.

On the winter morning campus, there were still many people around—those exercising, playing sports, full of life's vitality.

Xiao Qi still studied while running.

She felt her mind was clearer and sharper now, with higher learning efficiency.

Previously, her plan to complete credits early had been quite strenuous. Zaizai had studied so hard that she lost a lot of hair and shaved her head. Although Xiao Qi didn't go that far, she had taken on coursework for several additional languages, which she didn't want to give up. At seventeen or eighteen years old, one's potential was truly limitless—as long as one was willing to learn, everything could be learned. But as people got older, into their late twenties, life became busier, and the mind wandered more, so memory and focus weren't as sharp or pure as during student years.

So the student years were the most suitable time for learning, the most single-minded period.

Xiao Qi tried her best to manage her studies, but sometimes it did feel quite tiring, leaving little time for relaxation, video games, reading non-curricular books, or going out with roommates.

But that wasn't ideal either, as studying required a balance of work and rest.

Recently, though, Xiao Qi felt she had slowly adapted. With strong logical thinking abilities, her mind was clear when studying, not getting things mixed up. And when working on tasks, she could prioritize and not become flustered.

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