221 - 230

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Chapter 221

A bright yellow sports car was parked at the equestrian club.

It perfectly matched Xiao Yu's T-shirt color today, with a bright yellow stripe in the middle of his white tee.

He usually didn't wear T-shirts, but today he decided to wear one, thinking it might make him appear younger.

After all, he was Xiao Shengzhou's uncle, and the generation gap between them was quite significant. He often felt like an old man, and that young girl didn't pay any attention to him.

When he saw Xiao Bao'er giving gifts the other day, he felt foolish for not giving presents to girls, especially to the ones he liked.

But when it came to what gifts to give, like bags, necklaces, or jewelry, he felt that even if he gave them, she wouldn't accept them.

That day, his nephew suddenly warned him not to mess around, and he was taken aback, thinking that his nephew might also have developed romantic feelings. He felt embarrassed about it.

As it turned out, his nephew mentioned the girl's donation.

Xiao Yu fell silent.

Several days passed without any movement.

It was mainly because of this young girl that Xiao Yu was at a loss. She seemed a bit different from the girls around him, the ones who were motivated by romantic interests, self-interest, give and take, and came and went easily.

In the face of such a girl who worked hard and donated her bonuses without hesitation, he really couldn't understand what kind of upbringing would cultivate such a girl.

But he also didn't impulsively suggest exchanging contact information through WeChat or anything like that.

However, just giving up like this made him feel unwilling.

Truly, after all these years, from when he was in school, it was so difficult to suddenly see a girl who made his heart beat faster, to feel something different. This feeling was very exciting, and he thought that if he didn't seize the opportunity, he would regret it for a lifetime.

Life is always greasy.

Suddenly, there was a burst of sunlight, a trace of fresh breeze, breaking through that greasiness.

He didn't want to give up.

But instead of thinking about buying jewelry or bags, he put in some effort and specifically found an equestrian coach, a very experienced one who was originally overseas. He spent a large sum of money to bring him over.

He felt that the little girl loved horseback riding very much. When she was riding, she had no guard up and would laugh heartily. She truly appeared sunny and happy.

When it comes to giving gifts, of course, it should be something she likes. So, despite the difficulties, Xiao Yu still managed to invite the coach.

However, today in the afternoon, the little girl didn't show up.

Xiao Yu: ...

After bothering his nephew for a while, Xiao Shengzhou finally said, "She went to the calligraphy and painting society. She told me in advance that she wouldn't come in the afternoon."

Xiao Yu: ...

"Why did you bring the equestrian coach here without telling me you wanted to meet that little girl? Why did you tell me in advance?" Xiao Shengzhou genuinely didn't want his uncle to have any crooked thoughts.

He knew what Su Xiaoqi was doing in the afternoon. He was the president of the Student Union and was quite familiar with the leaders of school clubs. He also knew Li Luanliang, the president of the calligraphy and painting society, who was an outstanding junior. Unexpectedly, during their last conversation, Li Luanliang mentioned that he had high hopes for a new student, who was being considered as a candidate for the president of the calligraphy and painting society, and it turned out to be Su Xiaoqi.

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