241 - 250

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Chapter 241

When Xiao Qi found out that this little girl was the friend Xiao Qi her daughter kept chattering about.

Guo Ying: ......

Her daughter's mind worked in strange ways. No wonder she didn't like the little kids in kindergarten. Look at the standard she uses to make friends–they're all so much older than her.

It made her reflect whether it was because there were no kids her own age at home, which made her daughter mature so early.

When Xiao Qi saw the chairwoman's mother, she was very enthusiastic. She was dressed very elegantly, wearing a long dress, with her hair tied loosely. She looked like a very beautiful and graceful woman, a bit different from the other women Xiao Qi had interacted with before.

Jiajia's mother, Liang Lady, ran a small business and was single. She had the air of a strong, independent woman, very shrewd, and gave off a calculating feeling. Xiao Qi's Japanese teacher, Zhou Meiling, was a civil servant with a well-off family background. She was somewhat petty bourgeois who pursued elegance, but was still quite limited in reality. In Lushan City she was already considered quite unrestrained.

Xiao Qi liked her tutor for Introduction to Marxism, Mao Xihong, who worked part-time with the Communist Youth League. She was very open and didn't pay much attention to her appearance, but had the capable air of an academic and cultured person.

As for Teacher Lu who taught calculus, he was already very old and had a lot of bearing. He felt like he had a deep cultural foundation, but belonged to another age group.

In contrast, Xiao Bao'er's mother in front of her could be said to be the gentlest of all the women Xiao Qi knew. Her smile made people feel extremely comfortable and ladylike.

The contrast with Chu Yu in class was obvious. Chu Yu also often smiled like that, but it felt superficial, while Xiao Bao'er's mother's smile right now really made people feel like a spring breeze. It didn't make Xiao Qi feel pressured at all.

It dissipated a lot of Xiao Qi's nervousness.

She had originally thought there would be a bunch of kids at Xiao Bao'er's birthday party that she was just there to make up numbers. She didn't expect that it would be just Xiao Bao'er's family.

There was Xiao Bao'er's parents, grandparents, and Uncle Xiao who had just woken up in time for the meal.

Xiao Qi felt quite awkward, as if she had barged in on their family gathering.

The gift she had prepared made Xiao Bao'er very happy. She ceremoniously put out the painting Xiao Qi had drawn, as well as the little box Xiao Qi had made.

Xiao Bao'er's mother also earnestly praised both gifts. She not only appreciated the painting, but also greatly admired the little box Xiao Qi had handcrafted herself.

Moreover, unlike the exaggerated and somewhat pretentious praises of foreign teachers, she praised Xiao Qi very sincerely and carefully, making Xiao Qi feel like she hadn't gifted a small box, but an extremely precious item.

She could only say modestly, "My dad is a craftsman. He's very skilled. I've only learned a little bit."

"When Shengzhou was in school, he often failed handicrafts class. He had such poor dexterity. I wish I had a daughter as handy as you." Guo Ying laughed.

Xiao Bao'er immediately raised her hand and said, "Mom, I'm your daughter. I'm handy. I'm awesome!"

Guo Ying laughed gleefully. She happily pulled Xiao Bao'er into her arms, and also pulled Xiao Qi in, one on each side.

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