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Chapter 11

On the way back.

Su Xiaoqi received a phone call from her mom.

The voice was very loud.

Like yelling.

She could imagine her parents yelling while making the call from Granny Liu's house.

They rarely made calls, worried it wouldn't be loud enough.

Gumu Village was such an extremely, extremely backward place.

The outside world had turned upside down, but the village seemed to never change.

Ancient, tiny.

"I found a tutoring job, the parents are very satisfied. I'll start working tomorrow, I'll come home in a couple days." She held the phone, quickly saying what she needed to say.

Otherwise her parents would feel bad for making the call too long at Granny Liu's house.

"Okay, did you eat? It's hot outside, don't run around, be careful of getting sick, eat on time. Your dad and I are fine, we have everything at home, don't waste money buying stuff for us." Mom Su yelled loudly.

"Gotta go, bye when you're done, that's all I gotta say. Bye, Xiaoqi call if anything comes up, Granny Liu is calling us to eat." Dad Su grabbed the phone and said before immediately hanging up.

Mom Su wore new slippers, so did Dad Su. Mom Su didn't dare wear the clothes, the fabric was too nice, Xiaoqi must have underreported the price, fabric this nice cost at least 100 yuan per yard.

But the two pairs of slippers were enough to make the couple very happy.

After making the call and chatting for a bit, they didn't leave until they were satisfied with showing off the slippers Xiaoqi bought.

After they left, Granny Liu's daughter-in-law muttered: "That girl Xiaoqi, she's crafty, buying two pairs of plastic slippers to make the lame Su couple so happy. They're bending over backwards to pay for her college."

"Woman, watch your mouth. At least Xiaoqi got into college, your daughter can't even get into high school." Granny Liu's son scolded.

Xiaoqi got back late again. She walked all the way to the dorms where Auntie stayed. Auntie already ate and went upstairs to work.

She not only cleaned the floors, she also helped look after patients at night sometimes.

Xiaoqi first went to the wards to let Auntie know she was back, before going back to her room.

On her way back, she was stuffed a bunch of bananas, given by a patient's relatives.

After hearing that Xiaoqi was a student at No. 1 High School, they praised her nonstop.

Xiaoqi fled.

Auntie left food heating in the rice cooker for her to eat by herself.

Dinner was fried rice, made with leftovers from lunch, plus eggs, and a seaweed soup.

Xiaoqi walked all day, looking at her step count already over 20,000, she was exhausted. She didn't usually exercise this much, so she was starving. She took out the food and ate right away.

She was eating happily when Lin Min came in.

Lin Min's hair was damp, he wore a tank top and shorts, carrying a bucket. He must've come back from showering in the ward.

She had a mouth full of rice and wanted to greet him, but couldn't open her mouth.

She saw Lin Min wave at her as he walked by. Only after he passed did she swallow her food.

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