361 - 370

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Chapter 361

After the beginning of autumn, there were several consecutive days of scorching heat, with temperatures reaching 33 degrees Celsius.

Xiao Qi passed the fourth subject of her exams and obtained her driver's license.

She then drove the car she had bought back to school.

It was a sleek black BMW 5 Series, and it looked very beautiful with its shiny paint. It gave the impression of being expensive.

However, Xiao Qi didn't feel as excited as she had imagined. In just a few months, her mindset seemed to have changed quite a bit.

When she bought the car, she was full of confidence and didn't think much about it. She just thought, "I want to buy a good car, a BMW."

But once she actually started driving it, Xiao Qi realized that she had been naive. She was still a student, and buying a car didn't hold much meaning for her, nor could she drive it much.

At that time, she had just arrived in the city, away from her parents and the familiar city she grew up in. She had money and felt inflated, so she wanted to buy a car.

Now that she has seen more, she has realized that even a van driven by a housekeeper from someone's home is several times more expensive than her BMW. Xiao Qi's enthusiasm for cars has diminished, and she has become calm and numb.

She even feels a bit ashamed that she wasted money and driving a BMW gives off a feeling of being nouveau riche, exposing her inner lack of sophistication.

It's unnecessary.

Parking is not convenient on campus. She can't drive into the school premises, and the student area is quite chaotic. In the end, she ended up parking the car at Mrs. Su's villa, where there was a designated parking spot.

Su Li's sports car was also parked there.

Su Li had been scolded by her aunt several times for buying a sports car, but now seeing her own sports car parked next to the class monitor's car, she felt that all the scolding was worth it and she was so happy.

However, studying French together was not as enjoyable.

She mainly studied French with the class monitor, and she felt like she was intellectually challenged. They started learning at the same time, but she had more experience abroad and spent more time with her aunt, yet their progress was vastly different.

The class monitor was already able to communicate in simple French, while Xiao Qi was still learning the pronunciation...

The gap between people is really unfriendly.

Xiao Qi is now self-studying Japanese and Korean.

Spanish is an elective course on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

For Portuguese, she found a foreign teacher recommended by Aizhen. She arranged two classes on Friday afternoons and paid 800 yuan for the two classes.

The Portuguese foreign teacher, Maken, is a man in his thirties with a head full of dirty braids. He looks greasy and likes to joke around. He is very enthusiastic. When he first taught Xiao Qi, he liked to get close to her. But when she accidentally broke a brick in her bag, he became much more obedient and taught Xiao Qi without any hint of joking. After the lesson, he collected the money and left.

Xiao Qi realized that the brick was really useful.

Because she had to go to the new area, this foreign teacher opened a café, so Xiao Qi picked up a brick on the side of the road on her way in.

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