341 - 350

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Chapter 341

The first pair of small bronze lions, as the first auction item, was a rare little gem.

The little thing with a starting price of 50,000 yuan was soon auctioned up to 300,000 yuan.

Xiao Qi did not rashly bid, just watching how others were buying first.

Generally it was just raising the paddle to call out the price, with a minimum increase amount to prevent anyone from disrupting with increases of one or ten yuan.

Each price call had to add at least 5,000, or multiples of 5,000.

This pair of small bronze lions was finally sold at a price of 480,000 yuan.

Xiao Qi turned to ask Sister Wang, who looked very serious but was actually very nice to talk to: "Is this price normal or high or low?"

Although Sister Wang was not a professional, she had worked in this auction house for more than eight years. She patiently explained: "This price is ok, it's not outrageously high. Because generally the first item in an auction house is given as a nice little gem to have a good start. If you like it, buying it is still very worthwhile."

Next was the painting Xiao Qi thought was from the wrong time period.

The starting price of the painting was over 500,000 yuan. There were many bidders, and it was even more lively than the first pair of bronze lions. This painter was very famous, and his works were rare. But Xiao Qi found the time period did not match up, it was clearly a fake. But it was a fake from that dynasty, probably for that reason the auction house had not detected it either.

It was finally sold for 1.2 million.

There are so many rich people... For such a painting, I don't know what it can be used for, moreover it's not even real, yet over a million was spent on it.

And so, Xiao Qi watched many auction items but did not bid on any.

Sister Wang was still very patient in introducing a sentence or two. Then a young girl could not help muttering: "She's just pretending with the paddle, with these things so expensive, if she could really afford them, why come here to work part-time."

Although the voice was small, almost everyone could hear it. Xiao Qi heard it too, and just smiled indifferently.

The money was hers, she could spend it whenever she wanted.

At this time, a pair of Guanyin and Buddha carved from chicken-bone white jade came up for auction. They had skin left on, carved from the same piece of material by the Suzhou jade carving master Jiang Yunhe. Jiang Yunhe was already over 80 years old, and rarely produced work anymore, it was usually his apprentices and disciples doing the carving now.

This pair of Guanyin and Buddha were carved by Jiang Yunhe himself, with his certificate. The chicken bone white jade material was very interesting. The color where the skin was left on was like a cloak, the original stone had cracks in the middle that were cleverly carved into two pieces for the Guanyin and Buddha figures, with the fine grain integrated into the carvings on their bodies, looking like beautiful robes.

The Guanyin had an extremely beautiful appearance, just looking at her made one's heart stir.

The Buddha had a very kind smile, looking at him improved one's mood.

This pair was auctioned together, with a starting bid of 200,000 yuan.

The reserve price was very low. This material originally had cracks, it was purely thanks to the master's ingenious carving that avoided them, resulting in such beauty.

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