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Namjoon's perspective

As V and KK took their seats at the table, a cloud of concern seemed to hang over them, their expressions mirroring each other's in worry yet tinged with something else, something unspoken. It was evident that So Hee's condition weighed heavily on their minds, but there was an underlying unease that I couldn't quite place.

As their leader, it was my responsibility not only to guide them but also to understand their emotional state and provide support when needed. I couldn't shield them from every danger, but I could at least offer a comforting presence in times of uncertainty.

V cleared his throat attracting everyone's attention, he started "I know this might not be the most opportune moment," he began, his tone somber yet resolute, "but I believe we need to address the elephant in the room." His words hung in the air, the tension palpable as we waited for him to continue. "I know the situation is hard to understand and handle, but we can't just overlook today's events!"

His declaration sparked a wave of confusion and uncertainty among us, particularly considering KK's presence. Despite his stoic demeanor, it remained uncertain whether he was fully engaged in the conversation or lost in his own thoughts, detached from the rest of us. However, before anyone could fully process the situation, Jungkook, ever the proactive one, seized the opportunity to voice his concerns, "Right, even I wanted to discuss it for quite some time now. Look, I understand that So Hee saved Jimin's life, but did any of you notice-"

Before Jungkook could finish his sentence, V interjected, his tone firm and resolute. "Jungkook, wait," he said, cutting him off mid-sentence. "It's not what you think. I was there, I witnessed everything. Let me clarify things for everyone."

Taking a deep breath, V continued, his words measured and deliberate. "Today, I know what happened seemed planned to many, and I admit, even I had my doubts. At the factory, in the heat of the moment, it crossed my mind that So Hee might have orchestrated everything to gain our trust. I mean, the coincidences were too uncanny, right? Why did she slip instead of Jimin? Why did she pull the lever so confidently? How did she spot the attacker and know about the poison?"

Pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, V glanced around the room, meeting each person's gaze in turn. "But now, seeing KK and PP's distress, and reflecting on everything, I've come to a different conclusion. Sometimes, things just happen by chance. So Hee may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that doesn't mean she's to blame for what occurred."

Heaving a sigh, V shifted his stance, his expression earnest. "I understand your concerns, Jungkook, and I had them too. But let's not jump to conclusions. So Hee saved Jimin's life today, and I believe she did it out of genuine concern for all of us. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt until we have concrete evidence otherwise."

Jungkook's voice echoed with frustration and urgency as he addressed the group, his words cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife. "You guys don't understand," he began, his tone laced with disbelief. "They're all putting on an act! Do you even know how they actually reacted to the news? No, because you guys weren't there to witness it. But did, I notice everything. So Hee's revelation about lacium was a major red flag, and if she knew about it, then even KK and PP must have known about it, but in case they didn't, let's assume they didn't, then they must have caught up on the situation sensing our distress. But what bothers me is their reaction-or lack thereof. While I was running around like a maniac, preparing everything for what I thought was your, well, her treatment, they were calm as cucumbers. No sense of urgency, no concern etched on their faces. And the fact that they agreed to leave So Hee alone among potential enemies? It just doesn't add up. Something's off, and we need to figure out what it is before it's too late."

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