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So Hee's Perspective

A whirlwind week had zipped by since the "Great Car Collision Calamity," and life had settled into a quirky sitcom routine, starring me, So Hee, as the accidental protagonist. My car, now MIA in the vast realm of vehicular chaos, was the unsung hero-or rather, the missing prop of this unforeseen comedy.

Enter PP and KK, my dynamic duo of friends, armed with concern and paranoia in equal measure. They were convinced that the aftermath of the accident had turned me into a magnet for danger. To them, Mr. Bulky wasn't just a hapless driver; he was the phantom menace, lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce on me at any given moment. If I believed their vivid imaginations, he was plotting kidnappings, issuing ominous threats, or perhaps planning an elaborate revenge involving elaborate pranks and water balloons.

Their fretting had reached new heights. According to them, my solitary abode had transformed into a danger zone, and seeking refuge in their shared sanctuary was the only sensible option. Clearly, they assumed that Mr. Bulky was secretly auditioning for a role in a low-budget horror movie, and I was the unsuspecting lead.

So, there we were, in the college canteen, surrounded by the tantalizing smells of culinary delights. As I attempted to enjoy my lunch, their voices formed a persistent background hum, like an annoying jingle you couldn't shake off. "Hee-ya, you really should stay with us. What if Mr. Bulky has a vendetta? He might be waiting for the perfect moment to strike!" PP exclaimed; eyes wide with exaggerated concern.

I rolled my eyes, taking a theatrical pause before responding, "Oh yes because I'm sure he's been meticulously planning his revenge for a week now. Maybe he's crafting an evil lair out of traffic cones and practicing his menacing laughter. I'd better watch out for the diabolical mastermind in the college parking lot."

Cue eye rolls from my friends and a hearty laugh from nearby students who overheard our absurd conversation. As the bell rang, signaling the end of our comedy break, we dispersed to our respective classes, leaving behind the lingering scent of cafeteria chaos and the unspoken understanding that sometimes, the reality was stranger than fiction.


As the evening rolled in, I found myself knee-deep in a sea of chores, a battlefield strewn with dirty dishes and laundry casualties. With each dish washed and every sock paired, I stole a glance at the clock, hoping for a glimmer of mercy. It was 6:15 - a mere 45-minute buffer before my imminent plunge into the whirlpool of the night shift at the club.

I surveyed the battlefield of my living room, which resembled a war zone of textbooks and scattered papers. With the finesse of a ninja warrior (if ninjas fought clutter instead of bad guys), I navigated the chaos to tackle the impending homework on slaughter.

As I pondered the mysteries of calculus, I couldn't shake the feeling that the numbers were plotting against me, forming secret alliances to overthrow my sanity. The clock continued its relentless march forward, reminding me that time was not my ally in this academic duel. With a quick glance at my planner, I attempted to strategize for the upcoming day. My plans seemed more intricate than a spy's mission, involving covert operations to secure caffeine sources and reconnaissance missions to locate the elusive motivation. Little did I know that my most formidable opponent wasn't the homework or the next day's challenges - it was the impending night shift looming on the horizon.

As the minutes ticked away, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of my situation. Here I was, juggling academic warfare and the impending nocturnal escapades at the club, armed only with a notebook and a sense of humor sharper than my most reliable pen. Little did I know, the night had more surprises in store than my calculus textbook, and I was about to embark on an adventure that not even my meticulously planned schedule could predict.

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