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So Hee's Provision

PP's face turned stern, and she responded with a serious tone, "You probably know by now that the message wasn't just a simple warning; it was a coded location and an invitation. But when we tried to find this place online, it was nowhere to be seen. Upon closer inspection of the letter, we discovered a tiny chip attached to it. Decoding its contents revealed something significant."

Namjoon's attention sharpened as he listened intently. The room, once filled with tension and confrontation, shifted its focus to the information PP was about to disclose.

From her pocket, PP took out a small, seemingly ordinary microchip. Placing it on the table, she activated a holographic projection, displaying a series of coordinates, intricate codes, and encrypted messages. "As you can see," PP began, her tone heavy, "these are the coordinates from the message. But what grabbed our attention were the concealed layers underneath. This isn't just a location; it's a hidden facility, and it doesn't appear on any public databases or maps."

KK, who was previously lighthearted, now spoke urgently. "We checked these coordinates thoroughly, cross-referenced them with all available data, and found nothing. It's like this place doesn't officially exist."

Namjoon leaned back, absorbing the gravity of the revelation. "So Hee, don't you think these coordinates seem eerily similar to the ones Jungkook found in the alley?" The sudden question jolted me, and it took a moment to register that it was directed at me. I scrutinized the coordinates PP found, confirming they were not just similar but identical to the ones Jungkook had uncovered.

"Hmmm," I muttered, contemplating the implications. "So the person practically handed us the location himself. Whoever he is, it seems he's all too eager to lure the guys into his den." My thoughts hung in the air, poised for discussion with the others present in the room.

Before I could share my views, a sudden, thunderous bang echoed through the room, the door yielding to Yoongi's forceful entrance. As the dust settled, the room's atmosphere crackled with tension, and our attention pivoted toward Yoongi. His usually impeccably styled hair was now a wild tangle of disarray. Beads of sweat clung to his furrowed forehead, glistening like tiny diamonds under the harsh room lights, painting a vivid picture of the urgency that had driven him here.

His breaths were heavy and labored as if each inhalation struggled against an unseen force. The room seemed to echo with the sound of his breath, a rhythmic reminder of the gravity of the information he carried. Yoongi's eyes, usually sharp and calculating, now bore the weariness of someone who had treaded through treacherous territory. It was as if the weight of the lead he carried had settled not only in his words but also in the weary lines etched across his face.

The door, now precariously hanging on a single hinge, mirrored the fragile state of the situation. It swung slightly with every breath of wind, a personification of the uncertainty that had entered the room with Yoongi.

Third Person's Provision

With an urgency like never before, Yoongi's usually composed demeanor shattered like fragile glass. His voice carried the weight of a thousand storms as he spoke, each word a thunderous echo in the room.

"The reports, Namjoon," he began, his voice trembling with urgency. "The scarecrow... It was drenched in ketamine, the very drug we sought to acquire." His words hung heavy in the air like a dark cloud threatening to unleash its fury. A shiver ran down Namjoon's spine as he processed the gravity of Yoongi's revelation. It was as if the very walls of the room leaned in, eager to hear the sinister truth lurking in the shadows.

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