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V's perspective

Calming both KK and PP proved to be a daunting task. Their concern for So Hee was palpable, their anxiety evident in their furrowed brows, bouncing legs, and fidgeting hands. As they sat in front of the bathroom door, they resembled anxious pups waiting for their owner to return. Each passing minute felt like an eternity, filled with a mix of hope and apprehension.

KK's eyes were red-rimmed from crying, his normally jovial demeanor overshadowed by worry. PP, usually the more composed of the two, was visibly shaken, her hands trembling as she clasped them tightly together. They were both on edge, their thoughts consumed by the well-being of their friend.

Despite their fears, they knew that So Hee needed to be left alone with the doctor for her treatment. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but they understood the necessity of it. Still, the thought of being separated from her was almost unbearable.

They exchanged glances, silently communicating their shared concern. Each passing second only served to heighten their anxiety. My own state wasn't the best either. On the outside, I tried to maintain a composed facade, but on the inside, I was a hot mess. There was a pang of guilt and disappointment gnawing at me from within, like a hungry raccoon rummaging through a trash can.

I mean, seriously, I was supposed to be the protector of the group, I was there to protect both Jimin and So Hee, it was planned that they would go in there while I was to keep an eye on their surroundings and not let them get hurt, but I failed, I failed to see that Jimin was about to get stabbed, I failed to protect So Hee who on my place saved Jimin even after we accused her of possibly being a rat, even after being humiliated she didn't leave us instead she saved one of our's life, whereas I, I failed to assist them, even more I came back here like a coward instead of distracting the enemies, I let her go!

I don't know what took over me but I couldn't get myself to believe her in that moment, in that moment of crisis, my mind went into overdrive, conjuring up wild conspiracy theories faster than a squirrel hoarding nuts for winter. I thought maybe this was all her plan? Maybe it was she who did all of this? Why else would she accidentally slip into the factory? Why would she so carelessly pull the lever in one go if she didn't know what awaited them at the other side of the gate? Why would she just go save Jimin, and in the process get herself hurt? The only thought that I had at that time was that she was the one doing all of this! At that moment I only thought was to get Jimin out of there, he was my best friend after all and I promised Jungkook that I would look after him. Jungkook, his words before we left echoed in my head like a mantra, "Please take care of yourself and Jimin, I really don't trust her, please take care of yourself, I would have joined you guys if only Namjoon hadn't stopped me, you know that right? Please be safe, we don't know her intentions yet but I promise I'll find it out soon, but until then stay safe!"

But now that I can see, and feel, KK's and PP's distress, their worries reaching me across the room, I felt hopeless, how could I judge a person without actually knowing them? Moreover, how could I leave a person to die while ensuring the safety of my friend and mine? How could I forget her determination, her honesty, and her loyalty I saw with my own two eyes? How could I trust Jungkook's thoughts about her without testing them? But not anymore, I'll need to have a talk with the group.

Just as I was about to leave the room, the bathroom door creaked open revealing the doctor with a tired yet reassuring look on his face. Watching him exit the bathroom both KK and PP sprang to their feet and rushed to him to get some updates about their friend. As KK and PP bombarded the doctor with questions, I approached them, my mind now occupied with the hope of hearing a positive reply from the doctor. After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally spoke, his words a balm to our frayed nerves. "She's stable for now, unconscious but out of danger." he began, his tone calm, "but now you guys must make sure she rests properly and her bandages are changed every two hours to prevent infection and swelling, also make sure her surroundings are cool and calm, no stress. Also, I'll put her on the drip, for now, food might be tough for her fragile state to digest. Bring her out, I'll prepare the drip."

Saying so he went to his briefcase and made a call, while KK brought So Hee out of the bathroom and laid her on the bed, ensuring she was comfortable and well-supported. Approaching them I could see her state clearly. She looked pale and fragile, her breaths shallow and labored. The wound on her abdomen was a stark reminder of the danger she had faced, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. Despite our differences, she was still one of us!

The dimly lit room was heavy with tension as we gathered around So Hee's unconscious form, her delicate figure sprawled out on the bed. The soft hum of the air conditioning was the only sound breaking the silence, punctuated occasionally by the muffled sobs of those gathered around her.

"Thank God," I said, my voice filled with gratitude, "We'll make sure she gets the rest and care she needs." PP nodded solemnly beside me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "We won't leave her side," she declared with a steely determination, her voice unwavering despite the weight of the situation. "We'll do whatever it takes to help her recover."

KK's gaze never wavered from So Hee's pale face, his features contorted with anguish. "She's been through so much," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "But she's strong. She'll pull through it every time." His voice cracked with emotion as tears welled in his eyes. "Why does it have to be her all the fucking time, she lost her everything, she tried protecting them but couldn't, and now when she is trying to protect us, she is losing herself, and we can't even do anything, we couldn't do anything, we just sat here waiting for her to come back like she always does, you know, looking at her down there when she returned, my soul almost left my body, PP we couldn't protect her, I felt so scared, PP what if something happened to her, what would we answer uncle and aunt." His words trailed off into choked sobs, his distress palpable in the air. PP reached out to comfort him, her own tears flowing freely now. I felt helpless, unsure of how to ease their suffering, but I remembered Jimin's comforting presence in times of distress. Summoning all the courage I could muster, I moved to sit beside KK, offering him a hesitant hug.

"I don't know what she's been through," I admitted softly, "but just as you mentioned she'll pull through this time as well, I have observed and concluded, that she isn't someone to easily give up." I tried to offer words of reassurance, but my voice faltered under the weight of the situation. "So I suggest you my friend stop accusing yourself of something you didn't do, rather we should ask your forgiveness for putting your friend's life in danger, but we'll discuss that later, right now I guess none of us are comfortable in this hug," I said separating from him which made both of them laugh, I was glad I could lighten their mood even if it was just by millicentimeter, rather than depressing them more, you see I was never good with words, and about physical touches, don't even get me started. "I guess we should leave and send Rose, she'll help PP change So Hee's clothes." I completed while standing up and dusting my hands. KK too stood up nodding ready to follow me out of the room.

As we reached the bar area we saw everyone sitting there in a gloomy mood, Rose's eyes widened with concern as she noticed us entering the bar area before anyone else could. "How's So Hee? Is she okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry breaking the silence and gaining everyone's attention. KK and I exchanged a glance before I replied, "She's out of danger. The doctor advised to put her on drip so it would be great if you could help PP change So Hee's clothes." Rose nodded in understanding, already moving towards the room where So Hee lay.

Author's note:

The next chapter will have Namjoon's perspective and some heated arguments, but talking about this chapter do comment your views, and don't forget to vote guys!! Also, I did not find any good pic for this chapter, the one I put before starting the chapter, so if any one of you finds it please do share, you guys are welcome in advance..!!


VengeanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora