Chapter: 17 SUSPECT'S PLAN

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So Hee's Perspective

The mere mention of Wonju sent my heart into a frenzied gallop, a wild stallion unleashed upon the plains of my chest. PP's words about Wonju fell like unexpected thunder in the midst of a calm night, jolting me to attention. Rose's voice, mere background noise, as my thoughts fixated on the haunting echoes of FACTORY NO. 7 and the enigmatic Mr. HAN SO JOON. Three words entwined with the tendrils of an ominous past.

In that intense moment, my focus on these words became all-consuming, a vortex pulling me into a whirlwind of memories and emotions. I was too occupied to even know that my expressions were noticeable until I heard Namjoon saying something, something about, me and Wonju, I didn't know what I should say, so I just blurted out the very basic stuff, which was the truth instead of lying, 'cause at that moment I couldn't even think straight. My mind raced, trying to process the sudden flood of memories and emotions tied to Wonju. It was my father's homeland, a place I hadn't visited in years, but its significance in my family's history loomed large. The mention of Factory Number 7 and Mr. Han So Joon sent a shiver down my spine, stirring up memories I had long buried.

All the memories, the nightmares, everything came rushing back, and so I had to excuse myself from the meeting in order to calm myself down, collect my thoughts, and compose myself.

I felt the weight of the past pressing down on me, a heavy burden that threatened to unravel the facade I had carefully built around myself. As I stepped out of the meeting room, PP and KK followed, their concerned gazes silently questioning the turmoil within me.

"Hee-ya, you fine?" PP asked gently, her voice a soothing balm to the storm raging within. I nodded, forcing a small smile to reassure them. KK placed a supportive hand on my shoulder, his understanding evident in his eyes.

"Take your time, we're here for you," he said, and with that, they gave me the space I needed. Leaning against the corridor wall, I closed my eyes, attempting to shut out the flood of memories threatening to drown me. In the midst of my struggle, I heard the muffled voices from the meeting room. Namjoon and Yoongi were delving into the intricacies of the situation, unaware of the personal maelstrom I was weathering. I couldn't blame them for their suspicions; after all, the connections seemed too coincidental, even I was stunned for a moment, not only because the data triggered some of my worst memories, but because they were way too coincidental. But I figured it wasn't the time to be weak, my first priority was to clear myself off their suspicion, secondly, I myself had to find what was behind and as to why MY DAD'S FACTORY WAS INVOLVED, ALONG WITH MY GRANDFATHER??!!

With a deep breath, I gathered strength, and re-entering the room. The air was tense, Yoongi's doubt glaring like a neon sign. Initially hesitant to join, I now yearned for trust and respect. I didn't demand blind faith, only acknowledgment of my worth. I decided to clear the air before it curled into an irreparable poison. "Mr. Yoongi, your skepticism is understandable, but I assure you, my connection to Wonju is merely a coincidence. My family's past is complicated, but it has nothing to do with any threats or schemes against the gang. Moreover, as far as I have studied business, it's always better to keep your professional and personal lives at a parallel distance, so if I ever did anything to your dissatisfaction or if you have any personal grudges against me, I suggest we resolve them like grown-ups and focus on the matter at hand, for it is our priority. Moreover, I would like to remind you that, it was you people who dragged me into the mess I am in, so I would appreciate it if you could stop looking down on me!" I stared with a firm intensity, and Yoongi matching the intensity glared back at me.

Others must have noticed it too, so Namjoon being the most sensible one (in my eyes) decided to break the war we both were fighting with our eyes! "Alright, let's dial it down," Namjoon's voice cut through the charged atmosphere. "We have a bigger issue at hand, and pointing fingers won't get us anywhere. Yoongi, your concerns are valid, but accusations won't solve our problems. We're a team, and we need to act like one. We already did search her background and we knew she was born in Wonju, and if it is required, we may look through her past again," he said looking straight into my eyes, telling me he trusted me but if time asked for any such requirement, he won't hesitate to do so. I so wanted to oppose this idea of his, but I knew, that to gain some I had to lose some; moreover, I needed trust on my side to work freely, also I was confident in myself, I would never give them a single chance in the future to doubt me ever again, so reluctantly I nodded my head in agreement, and he continued, "but until then let's focus on the matter at hand! First, let's start arranging all the clues we found," and so one by one all the clues were placed in front of us, after which Namjoon asked all of us if we had some suggestions regarding how we could move forward.

I knew it was my time to shine and gain their trust, cause like Namjoon was their team leader, I was also a sort of leader to my mini group, and so I stated, "I do have a plan, if you may allow me" I asked, wanting to know if they too were ready to take a step forward in our relationship or I was the only one putting the efforts, to my surprise most of them were eager to hear me out except a few of them, and by few I mean, Yoongi and Jungkook, and as for this guy named V he seemed unbothered throughout the events that happened not too ling ago; however, he did seem interested to protect his gang, so despite getting rejected by few, I continued, "I was thinking, that it is way too dangerous to deal with an invisible enemy, that too in their den, without any information about them or the place they invited us to, so maybe, if ALL of you agree, I along with 1 or 2 of you, except PP and KK, can go and inspect the area, to find the location, as well as the ins and outs, which we may need, if we go their again, to face our enemy. then after the inspection, we can prepare the rough blueprint of that area first, and later formulate a proper plan with backup to go there and meet the one who called us." I finished describing my thoughts while others exchanged gazes with the ones sitting left or right to them, or thinking deeply.

Namjoon, after a thoughtful pause, acknowledged the proposition. "So Hee, your idea has merit. Gathering intel before making a move is crucial. We can't afford to be blind in enemy territory. If anyone has reservations, speak now."

Yoongi, still harboring doubt, grunted in reluctant agreement. Jungkook's expression remained stoic, his thoughts hidden beneath a mask of contemplation. V, who had been relatively quiet, finally spoke, "I'm on board. Let's get the information we need."

With a collective nod from the rest of the group except Jungkook, who opposed saying, "Are you guys serious! Do you all agree to her going with one of us, to a deserted place, which she is familiar with, what if there's a trap waiting for us? What if she takes the one going with her as a hostage, or kills them. Maybe her whole gang is waiting outside, ready to jump at us the moment she steps out of here? Are you ready to risk it all, just for her? This could be a setup, and we're walking right into it Namjoon, we should think this through."

Namjoon, replied to Jungkook's approach, "Jungkook, I already said, we..." Yoongi cutting him said, "No, Kim, you listen, we have never been this rushed, I understand we need trust and faith within the group, but all of this doesn't sit well. Are you ready to lose one of us again?" He banged the table, frustration overflowing from the depth of his mind and sadness filling his heart, "just think, why else would she leave her friends out of it? Maybe so that they could help their gang with our location, or she is betraying them too!" before he could continue further, KK took a hold of his collar and slammed him against the wall behind.

Authors note:

So Hee faces a storm of memories and suspicion, striving to prove herself to the group. Tensions rise as plans for a reconnaissance mission unfold. What lies ahead for So Hee and the team? Share your thoughts! Also, I would like to know, who is your favorite character so far, and why? And is there any particular aspect of the story or characters you'd like to see explored in more detail?

Feel free to share your insights!

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