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Jungkook's Perspective

So Hee's distressing message echoed in my ears, my heart clenched with a mixture of fear and dread, "They arrived, Jimin and V go safely, and Namjoon please prepare a tub full of ice, it's lacium! Rest I'll tell you when I reach". Lacium. The mere mention of the poison sent a shiver down my spine, knowing all too well its deadly implications. Jimin and V's safety was paramount, and the thought of them being in harm's way fueled my anxiety. With a sense of urgency, we hurried to prepare the tub filled with ice, my mind raced with worst-case scenarios. Lacium was not to be underestimated, its slow, insidious spread was capable of wreaking havoc on the body without warning.

With each passing moment, the knot of unease in my stomach tightened a silent prayer on my lips for Jimin and V's safety. The minutes dragged on like an eternity, every second filled with a sense of impending doom. As the tension thickened in the club's basement, an unspoken sense of urgency permeated the air, charging the atmosphere with an energy that seemed to crackle with unseen power. Without hesitation, Yoongi sprang into action, his steps purposeful as he made his way to summon Doctor Choi. Despite our reservations about fully entrusting him with our secrets, Doctor Choi had proven himself to be a valuable ally over the years. His expertise and discretion had earned him a place within our ranks, a trusted confidant in times of crisis.

As Yoongi disappeared to fetch the doctor, I followed suit, feeling like a mad scientist on a mission. Bursting into the nearest bathroom which happened to be on the second floor where the VIP rooms were present, declaring it my laboratory of cleanliness. With exaggerated zeal, I attacked every surface like a germ-fighting ninja, wielding my cleaning supplies with dramatic flair. "Begone, foul bacteria!" I shouted as I scrubbed away imaginary invaders with gusto. With frenzied determination, I attacked every surface with a sense of urgency, scrubbing away grime and bacteria with a single-minded focus. The minutes ticked by like seconds, each one crucial in the race against time. Flowery oils and scented candles were hastily arranged, to make Jimin or V relaxed while they would be treated, and cope with the pain, their soothing aroma mingling with the acrid scent of disinfectant. Next, I filled every available ice tray and box, my hands shook with adrenaline, the weight of responsibility pressing down on me like a ton of bricks. "Come on, come on," I muttered under my breath, my movements bordering on frantic as I worked to ensure an ample supply for Jimin or V's treatment.

Then I rushed to prepare fresh towels, a first aid box, and a new pair of clothing for both Jimin and V, my mind raced with a singular, urgent thought: "Jimin. He needs to be safe, I won't spare So Hee if anything happens to him, I don't know what I'll do if something happens to my Jiminie!" With determination driving my every move, I meticulously arranged the room with everything they might need for treatment and comfort. Each item placed with care was a silent prayer for their well-being, a desperate plea to the universe to keep them safe. But just as I was lost in my frantic preparations, the sudden commotion downstairs brought me crashing back to reality. The urgency of the situation intensified, a knot of fear tightening in my chest as I raced down to check the situation.

As I descended the stairs, Namjoon and Yoongi stood in the center of the club with their backs to me, obscuring whatever lay beyond. Initially assuming it was just the doctor's arrival, I turned to retreat back to the room to prepare some fruits for Jimin and V. But as I began to retrace my steps, a faint hissing sound pierced the air, sending a shiver down my spine. It was a sound I knew all too well, one that Jimin emitted whenever he was uncomfortable. My heart skipped a beat, dread pooling in the pit of my stomach. Frozen in place, I hesitated, torn between my instinct to rush to Jimin's aid and the fear of what I might find. With a sense of foreboding weighing heavily upon me, I steeled myself for whatever lay ahead and turned back toward the source of the commotion.

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