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So Hee's Perspective

I arrived at the abandoned factory, the same factory that held answers to my own question, but now was not the time to focus on my questions related to the past right now I was working for Namjoon and I should be focusing on that only, so here I was after a two-hour ride on my bike. V got there a bit quicker, in about an hour and a half, while Jimin arrived just ten minutes after me. "Nice of you to join us," I quipped, flashing a grin in Jimin's direction. "Did you bring the popcorn for our spooky adventure?" I joked referring to the creepy-looking factory in front of us, "I left it at home, along with the ghost repellent," Jimin's response to my joke elicited a silent smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement, while V's chuckle echoed through our microphones from his vantage point watching and providing us coverage. His silhouette, illuminated by the pale moonlight, seemed to blend seamlessly with the darkness, like a ghost haunting the ruins... "Looks like we'll have to face the spooky adventure without popcorn then," I remarked with a grin, scanning the decrepit surroundings. The moon, casting its pale glow over the crumbling structures, seemed to lend an otherworldly aura to the scene. Jimin's dry retort came swiftly, "Guess we'll just have to rely on our charm and wit to ward off the ghosts."

With a playful roll of my eyes, I turned my attention to the looming shadows that stretched across the factory floor. As I stepped into the eerie atmosphere of the abandoned factory, a chill ran down my spine, sending shivers dancing along my skin as if warning me not to enter the area that did not belong to me (anymore!). The moon cast an eerie glow over the crumbling structures, casting long shadows that seemed to dance with malevolent intent. The air was thick with an unsettling silence, broken only by the distant hoot of an owl. "Concentrate everyone! Let's save the ghost stories for later, shall we?" Namjoon's authoritative voice cut through the playful banter, reminding us of the seriousness of our mission. Yoongi's sarcastic remark "Bold of us to assume this notorious creature will ever listen to us!" added a touch of levity to the tense atmosphere, earning a chuckle from the rest of us.

With our focus redirected, we proceeded cautiously through the abandoned factory, our senses on high alert. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of the wind, sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my veins. The darkness seemed to swallow us whole, enveloping us in its oppressive embrace.

As we navigated the labyrinthine corridors, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The shadows danced eerily along the walls, playing tricks on my mind. But I pushed aside my apprehension, steeling myself for whatever lay ahead.

With each step, we drew closer to our objective, our movements calculated and precise. The silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the occasional whisper of our breaths and the soft hum of our footsteps. We were surrounded by that itchy rusty smell, and dripping water sound making the blood in our body flow at an unbelievable speed! Turning around I slipped on a step seemingly twisting my leg, "Fuck, shit hurts like hell" I cursed at the sudden pain I felt in my ankle area, " Shh..! You fine? What happened?!" Jimin was quick to inquire about my state along with PP and KK shouting in the microphones asking me about my safety but before anyone could get any more railed up I assured them that I was fine and it was just my clumsy self who slipped the step, but upon closer inspection to make sure I was completely fine Jimin noticed that surprisingly it was the only step present there, none other step present going up or down! Thanks to my clumsy self we found this or anyone could have missed it by how unnoticeable it is almost seeming like a poor construction mistake!

We were about to move further when Jungkook and Rose stopped us from going away and looked for any sort of locker thingy that might open some door or some entry because according to the cryptic note I found attached to the scarecrow Enter a den where shadows dance, Amidst whispers of secrets, they prance. In darkness' embrace, truths may lie, Awaiting brave souls to unearth and defy.

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