Bonus Epilogue

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"Daddy! Mommy! Wake up." My daughter's light voice fills the room as she jumps on the bed to sit between Charles and I.

"Princess, it's like seven in the morning. Why are you awake?" Charlie asks her with his sleepy morning voice.

"Daddy! It's Christmas tomorrow! We need to go buy a tree and lights and decorate the house! And we need to buy gifts for Jules!" She says, referring to her two and a half years old brother.

We named our eldest daughter Amelia, after my mother. Amelia Faye Leclerc.
She's three years old, and she's the coolest kid ever.

I'm not just saying that because she's my daughter, I'm being completely objective.

She has my blonde hair and Charles' green eyes. He made her promise not to date until the age of 35. She only made that promise so she could get some ice cream.

She has Charles wrapped around her tiny finger, there's not a single thing in the world he wouldn't do for her.

Our second child was a boy, we named him Jules. The moment I found out I was pregnant for the first time four years ago, I knew that if it's a boy we should call him Jules.

Jules Herve Leclerc.

We added the name of Charles' father, the one that Charles also has in his long name, because we wanted to honor them both.

He is the complete opposite of Amelia. He took Charles' brown hair and my blue eyes, but if you ask me he looks like a perfect copy of Charles.

Our children are not only opposites in their looks, but also in their personalities. While Amelia was more friendly and loud, Jules kept quiet to himself, unlike the usual two year old child.

Charles got me pregnant again four months ago, and we're expecting twins this time. We decided to not find out their genders yet, we want it to be a surprise.

"Can't we just go later?" Charles practically begs her to spare him a few more hours of sleep.

"No, daddy! I want to go now!" She says and he doesn't even try to argue. Like the good soldier he is, he gets up from the bed and heads to our bathroom.

After our wedding, we moved into a new house that Charles bought for us in Monaco. It had two floors that weren't too big for our family, but the garden was huge.

He said he wanted our kids to grow up in a happy home like this, where they can go outside and play, or swim in the pool. The lunatic is even considering buying a Pony for Amelia because she said she wanted a unicorn for her 4th birthday, which is in 8 months.

Our life together, and as a family, has been an incredible journey so far, and we still have many years to come.

Charles had already quit racing. He quit at the end of the 2030 season, after getting his ninth title. He couldn't bear racing while being away from Amelia, we couldn't travel along with him because Amelia was just a baby, and he decided it was more important for him to be with us.

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