What Have I Done?

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What have I done?

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What have I done?

What have I fucking done?

I sit back on the couch. Trying to keep myself from getting out there and chasing the woman I fell in love with until she'll agree to take me back.

I'd beg for months, for years, lifetimes, if it meant I get to have her back with me. Back in my arms. I'd give anything.

The door opens and the hope of it being her disappears once I see it's just Carlos. "I don't know what you just did, but I know you just lost the best thing that ever happened to you, and I'm sure it was your fault."

He's absolutely right. This is my fault. I should've told Charlotte to fuck off and deal with the consequences. The look of Avery's face filled with tears I caused will never leave my head.

The look of betrayal splashed on her face will haunt me in my dreams.

I will never forgive myself for hurting her the way I did. She thought she did something and it was her fault, she doesn't know she can't do anything wrong in my eyes.

"I know, Carlos. Trust me, I know."
"Tell me if you need anything. You don't look too good right now." With that, he leaves and I'm left all alone.

She was the love of my life. I'm sure of it. I will never love someone the way I loved her, no laugh will light up my world like hers, no smile will make me smile like hers did, nobody will make me feel as good as she did. She was my person, and I gave it all away.

At least now, she won't have to lie to her family anymore, and will be able to live her life without any secrets and hiding.

Who am I kidding? There is nothing good about this situation. Now I have to pretend like all along Charlotte was my girlfriend, my luck, my happiness. How am I supposed to fake date someone after the best five months of my life just came to an end? And all because of me.

I dragged it until the very last minute. Breaking up with her. I wanted any second I could have until I can't anymore. This was so selfish of me. I should've done it back in Monaco, to me it would've hurt just the same, but maybe three months ago it would've been easier for her.

My phone rings, "Mama❤️" it says. I answer her, luckily, it's not a video call because then she would've seen the tears all over my face.

"Hi Mama."
"Hello, sweetie. I was just calling to check on you and ask if you and Avery could come to dinner some day soon, I really missed that girl."
"Umm. Mom I... I just broke up with her." I say and my voice cracks at the memory of our conversation.
"Oh, no, Charles. Are you okay?"
"You should be asking her that. She stormed out of here crying. I can't believe I did this to her, Mom. How could I?"
"Did something happen between you two? I thought you were so in love with her. Anyone who saw the way you look at her would think so."
"I am in love with her. It's complicated but I had to do it. It was to protect her."
"Tell me everything, son. It's gonna be okay."

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