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"Happy birthday!!!" Dad and Max are screaming at me

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"Happy birthday!!!" Dad and Max are screaming at me. It's fucking 7 in the morning. The sun is barely even up. I open my eyes very, very slowly, to see these two standing there with colorful hats and horns, holding a huge birthday chocolate cake. My favorite.

"Thank you guys! I love you so much! What do you think about this, as a birthday gift, I can get a few more minutes, more like hours, to sleep?"

"Absolutely not. Long day ahead of us, lots of celebrating to do. My little baby is nineteen years old. That's crazy!" Dad says.
"If you aren't waking up right now, this cake is going into your face instead of into your mouth, got it?" Max says.
"Nooooo. Leave the cake alone. Don't take her hostage. I'll get up. Asshole."

They leave and I get up, my hair is probably a mess and I think I shouldn't look in the mirror right now. Why do we have to wake up at 7? Quali doesn't start until noon and this is MY birthday. I deserve to sleep.

I head straight into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I do that, I look half human. Good progress.
Then I brush my hair and put it in a loose ponytail just for now.

I go look at my phone near my bed and my phone is swamped with notifications of people I don't even know sending me happy birthday wishes. These are the kids from school who didn't believe me when I went to court, and bullied me later for being a "Lying whore".

They probably saw on my Instagram that I'm spending this year with dad and Max, and thought they might be able to get some paddock passes if they're nice to me. Hell no.

They made the whole four years of high school terrible for me, and I will never be able to forgive them. I leave all of their messages on 'Seen' and a text pops up from Charles.

Charlie❤️: Happy birthday to the person who makes me the happiest I've ever been. I'm talking about you, love, obviously. I cannot express in words how much you mean to me, and I hope you'll have everything you ever want in life, hoping one of those things will be me forever. I'm looking forward to celebrating with you tonight and I wish you the best birthday and year you've ever had. With love, your Charles❤️

Holy fucking shit. This man is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Some tears of happiness slip from my eyes slowly. I can't believe he wrote this for me.

Avery: Thank you so much, Charles. This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever wrote for me and I can't thank you enough. Can't wait for tonight <3

I put on a RedBull t-shirt with number 33 on it. Max's number. And a pair of black baggy jeans. Something I've learned about myself from the past races is that I don't dress up a lot, only for Sundays which are race days.

I put on my sneakers and head to the couch where Dad and Max are seating, Dad is talking on his phone. Whenever I hear him on the phone on May 27th, I walk away.

Just Rivals | C. L. | #1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu