Never Trust An Elevator

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The elevator stopped

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The elevator stopped. I am stuck in an elevator the size of a shoe box with no other than Charles Leclerc.

I'm very grateful for his help today when I passed out and I don't know what I would've happened if he wasn't there to help me, but he is so arrogant about his driving while my brother hates himself after every single race he loses to him.

Is he the best driver of the grid? Yes, even my dad would know this is a fact, it is known for the past seven years. Both my dad and Max will admit this, just like any other driver, team principal or fan of the sport.

Am I allowed to dislike the man who took the championship instead of my brother for seven years? Also yes. I can't like him when he's the reason my brother is depressed after every single weekend.

He has been nothing but nice to me, and flirty but that's probably a part of his arrogance, but my loyalty is always to my family and my team. I won't betray Max by becoming friends with his biggest rival ever.

"I can't believe this. I'm gonna be late for dinner with Max." I say as I sit down inside the elevator. I was supposed to be at a restaurant with dad, Max and Sergio Perez who also races for Red-Bull with Max. I've never met him but I've heard great things so I was really looking forward to having dinner with him.

"So are you and Max dating?" Charles asks me with his face down, sitting next to me. Why would he think we're dating? Does he really not know anything about me?

"Why would I be dating Max? He's my adopted brother."
"Wait. Hold on a second. If you are Max's step sister that means you're..." He looks at me and I say "Christian Horner's daughter." I see the realization hit his eyes and how he gets a bit away from me. Of course it bothers him, his loyalty rests with his team, just like mine.

"Shit. And I really thought I had a chance for a second..." He mumbles to himself, thinking I won't be able to hear him but this elevator is really small so I heard all of it.

"Well, if you weren't my family's worst rival, maybe I'd give you a chance."

"So that's all we can be, huh? Just rivals?"

"I guess so."

"Why haven't I seen you on the paddock before?"
"Oh, I just graduated and I'm taking a gap year to travel with the team before college."

"Oh, fuck. She's also 18." He rubs his hands on his face like he couldn't believe what I just said. He is talking about me like I'm not here with him and can very much hear everything he's saying.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask him
"You can ask me whatever you want, love." My heart skips a beat every single time he calls me that. Or basically whenever he just calls me.

"Is the overconfidence real? Or is it just a show off to the press?"
"Listen, darling, I know for a fact that I'm the best and I am not going to apologize for it. Every driver on the grid should go on track thinking he's the best. Well, probably all of them think I'm the best, but you get the point. I also know that anything can happen on the track and I might be dead before the season is over. I guess everyone gets a little bit insecure sometimes."

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