[132] Familial Complications & Divine Threats

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Chapter 132: Familial Complications & Divine Threats

Every morning after the rain is beautiful, but this was exceptionally so. As I woke up, petrichor was in the air, and my nostrils took in the scent with a fulfilling deep breath.

With the fresh smell, came the seductive smell of the woman in my arms. A pair of purple eyes fluttered open about then, a soft smile on her lips, as my mom looked up at me.

"Good morning, my baby," she yawned and stretched, as she held her arms up at me as if calling a little child to embrace. I fell into her arms, embracing her tightly as I placed a kiss on her nape.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked her softly.

"It was the best sleep of my life," she ran her hands on my back, feeling the muscles. "Since I spent it with my love."

"Your love?" I raised my head to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

She blushed and smiled, "You're really going to make me say it?" She asked and sighed, "Fine. I do owe you a response..." She went silent momentarily, but it wasn't out of hesitation. She slowly moved her lips at me, "I love you too. Happy?"

Yes. Life's good. The world is beautiful.

"Not happier than you," I leaned over and kissed her lips, and she accepted with no hesitation.

"True," she said amid the kiss, her moans filling into my mouth. "Happiest woman in the world, you did say..." she closed her eyes and pulled me further into the kiss.

* * *

[Third Person Point of View]

The bike shot through the highway like a bullet, and Ai rested her face on his back. She hadn't bothered to put on a helmet, just like him. They enjoyed the wind hitting their hair and making it wave.

"This is nice," she commented softly.

"Want me to take off to the air?" he asked and she nodded.

"Carefully," she said, and the bike leaped into the air with a jump. Clouds formed a path under the wheels and they flew through the sky.

Ai smiled and hugged him tighter. She felt a little embarrassed to feel her heart fluttering at this, loving the feeling of her arms around his chest, given how old she was, but she couldn't help it. She felt like a little girl in love again.

'Again...' her smile slowly dropped but then she smiled again. 'No. This one is far better than Hikaru. Aqua isn't a scum.'

Well, Aqua was a cheater who spent time with other girls despite having girlfriends, but she didn't mind since it was him. He's her son, he could play around a bit. Plus, he told her the reason for it too.

'I'd have preferred if I was the only one in his life, but...' she looked at the sky past his shoulder. They were riding a bike through the sky. 'I'm his mother first, and woman after. I shouldn't feel jealous.'

She would try... Unless someone popped up and said she's his 'sugar mom'.

A part of Ai still couldn't believe that this was how their bike date ended. After years of keeping herself away from men so that she could take care of her children better, she ended up sleeping with her son. Even if he had his past life's memories, to her he was still her son—so it felt a little weird, but she decided she didn't mind it anymore.

Ai felt slightly hypocritical for using this excuse after rejecting it last time but: if she took care of him for 15 years, it's not weird for him to take care of her now that he's all grown up.

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