[106] No Way, a Sugar Mommy?!

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Chapter 106: No Way, a Sugar Mommy?!

The rising sun bathed the room in a warm glow, its rays spotlighting the bed as if it were center stage.

I sat with my back against the bed frame, my arms around Akane who sat between my legs. My chin rested on her shoulder, peeking into the book that floated in front of her.

"Can you see it?" she asked, swiping her finger in the air and causing the book page to flap to the other side. It was an empty page. It turned backward on its own as if it wasn't supposed to be viewed yet.

The cover of the book appeared to be ancient parchment, colored a deep, rich gold, and almost glowing with an inner light. Its edges were intricately decorated with hieroglyphs, depicting various scenes of ancient Egyptian life and mythology.

In the center, in bold and elegant hieroglyphics, was the title, "The Book of Thoth," written in a script that seemed to pulsate with hidden knowledge. That was the only thing, along with the introduction page, that could be viewed right now.

"I can't," I shook my head. Even my Jade Perception failed to see the text written on the blank pages. The only thing I could see other than the Cover was the beginning page, as Akane turned it to face us: The Introductory Page.


# Page Zeroth – Introduction #

[0 – Mana Flows Through Your Veins – 0]

These pages are spread to welcome those who seek beyond the mortal realm. Within the ancient scriptures recorded here, lies the wisdom of Thoth, the scribe of the gods, the keeper of secrets, the master of mysteries.

To thee who bear these Twelve Pages, know that thou hold the key to the arcane, a gateway to the truths that govern existence. Herein lieth the synthesis of magic and science, the convergence of past, present, and future.

Navigate these pages with reverence and humility, for the knowledge they impart is both a gift and a responsibility. Each word, each symbol, each glyph resonates with the power of the divine, a witness to the eternal legacy of Thoth.

Beware, seeker of truth, for this journey is not for the faint of heart. The path to enlightenment is fraught with challenges that will test thy resolve, thy wisdom, and thy courage. But fear not, for in embracing these trials, thou shalt emerge transformed, endowed with a profound understanding of the cosmos.

Remember, the key to unlocking the subsequent pages lieth not in mere reading, but in the internalization and application of the wisdom they contain. Seek within, and the path shall be revealed.

May the light of Thoth guide thy way.


As the golden light from the page softly illuminated our faces, it became clear that this was more than just a dusty old book; it was a repository of divine knowledge. I wondered how much power it could grant her if all pages were awakened.

The book had 12 pages, true, but each was a pinky-finger-thick. Gladly it was capable of floating on its own, otherwise, I doubted Akane would have been able to hold it.

I was wondering how to awaken the book within her, but the worry was for naught. She woke me up at midnight, telling me that she dreamt about the legends of an Egyptian God, and when she woke up a book was floating above her.

...I suppose my Qi-infused sperm was the energy the book needed to awaken. Huh. That was easy, I would have preferred a bit of a challenge.

Thoth was the God of Wisdom, Knowledge, and the Moon. As well as the Patron of All Scribes; and writers. While the 0th page didn't hold any information about his life, apparently her dream had. She saw tales of his vast knowledge, his role as the scribe of the gods, and his dominion over the realms of magic and the hidden.

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