[54] Fixing the Situation

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Chapter 54: Fixing the Situation

Since I was a bit tired, I took the very last seat on the bus and decided to take a nap. The other kids were chatting still about the bizarre incident of losing a day of their time and maybe even memories, while I placed a Sherlock Holmes book over my face and slept. I brought it to this trip to read in my spare time but never got the chance, but at least it served some purpose.

It took the bus a few hours from Fujinomiya back to Tokyo, though I was deep in slumber throughout the session. It was for the better, really, I couldn't afford to get dragged into the kids' conversation.

Honestly, this trip was quite the harvest. I was hoping to reach Underlord in the next two to three months, but I managed to do it in no time thanks to this lucky encounter. In the end, accepting to come to LoveMy was a great choice. I am even acquainted with the local Gods of this region now, and I'd soon get my hands on some great herbs that would help me pull off a plan I have.

Now that I am finally Underlord and have Soulfire, I could do a great level of Alchemy. Even the ones from my 7th life, where the technology was very advanced and one would need high-level technological help to brew drugs and potions. Now I can do that with not much difficulty, and awaken the latent talents of human blood of myself and my Sect.

Psychic Powers. It's time for [Psykers] to make an appearance in this world.

I'd have had trouble gathering these herbs since I'm not really connected with the supernatural factions of this world, but now that's different. This trip was a godsend.

'Ahh, everything is going so well.'

That was the thought I woke up with, it seemed we were near Tokyo now. I slowly sat up from my lying position, and then the world paused.

My entire body trembled.

The hair on the back of my head stood up as I sensed my [Lightning Seal] that I had on Ai's body activated.

A bit later, my senses heightened further when I sensed an explosion of stellar mana, with the radiant of a purple sun.

"Stop the bus!" I yelled and ran to the door, as the driver hastily stopped it in confusion. I had no time to explain, I just shot Mem a look and then rushed off.

The kids called for my name, but I didn't look back. I rushed behind a few buildings near us, and once I had the cover of the walls I took off to the air with a coating of cloud Qi around me.

I used [Electromagnetic Propulsion]— an Underlord movement technique that was an advanced mixture of lightning and wind, which manipulated electromagnetic forces to propel the user for high-speed travel and also grant maneuverability like the wind. I practically blitzed across the sky, even if my Qi pathways burned in pain as they weren't even used to my Gold techniques yet.

From an outsider's perspective, I was just a white blur in the sky that normal humans wouldn't be able to perceive, let alone question.

Not that I cared currently if people noticed; I only had one question in my head.

Which ant dared to attack my home?

* * *

The situation was worse than I thought; the entire neighborhood was in chaos because the stellar beam that Ruby must have used had gone through all the buildings half a kilometer from the starting point.

Thankfully, it hasn't been long since this happened. I could calm the situation.

I dropped from the sky to the gate of our home and didn't care that people noticed me land. They would soon forget about it, anyway.

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