[108] Brewing Super Storm

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Chapter 108: Brewing Super Storm

Gentle, warm summer wind cascaded into the room and landed on my face. My eyes slowly fluttered open, the usual drowsiness of sleep unfound in my half-sage eyes.

The [Sage] rank grants a cultivator eternal youth, and although I'm not a full Sage due to not being an Archlord yet, I'm halfway there.

After the three lord ranks; the Underlord, Overlord, and Archlord, there is Sage and or Herald. At last, there is the Monarch.

To become a Sage, you have to be at the peak of the Archlord and connect to an Icon. To become a Herald, you have to be at the very peak of the Archlord, where you'll reforge your existence; bringing out your spirit and integrating it into the body.

For most of my life, Icons became a thing in that universe only after I was born. But during my 9th life, Icons already existed in that universe. Not in the homeworld I was born into, but in the higher worlds. So they had power systems that aligned with the Icons well. That's why I chose this system instead of following a more familiar one.

Since I already had access to the Icons, I would automatically become a full Sage the moment I reached Archlord. After that, to reach Monarch, I'll have to complete the Herald transformation as well. Only after accomplishing both would I reach the peak of this power system.

Ah, and, the peak of Sage should be when I can learn other Paths, so I look forward to that day.

"Mhm," I stretched a little, mostly out of habit rather than necessity. Halfway or not, eternal youth came with all sorts of health benefits.

I gently moved Ruby's head off my chest and got off the bed. I've been getting taller after the Overlord transformation, my body is pushing itself to reach its peak height as it wouldn't change once I became a proper Sage.

Two months have passed since that day, and in that time I have gained about two inches? I stood at 6"3' right now.

I've already surpassed my genetic limit a long time ago. While my biological father was above average, 5"10 from what I've gathered in his recorded information in the last two months, Ai used to be only 4"9. The presence of Qi in my body has pushed that genetic limit to reach this far. But 6"3 seemed to be the final limit.

"Unless I want to grow more," I yawned. That'd require alchemical help, but 6"3 is a good height for a human. I'm fine.

I walked out of the room, heading to the bathroom, and I paused. Two readers made me freeze. One, I turned my head to look back at Ruby, who was still sleeping. She'd been sleeping with me for the past two months, unwilling to let go of me even for a single second. As I had expected, she was a lot more clingy after finding out the truth.

The other reason was, do I really have to brush every morning...? I mean, it's not like my breath stank anymore.


Nasty, I should stay clean anyway.

* * *

I found Ruby missing when I came out, brushed, and showered. My all-time better Jade Perception had already sensed that as well as the people she was with.

"I guess I'll go meet them a minute later," I said and stopped in front of my room's mirror, stark naked. I looked into my eyes, and then my masterfully crafted frame. I was clad in droplets of water and looked bigger not just in height but in muscle too.

Slowly, I parted my lips. "Dry." A word left them that commanded reality itself. The droplets of water on my body sizzled, vanishing in mere seconds.

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