[5] One with the Celestial Sapiens

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Chapter 5: One with the Celestial Sapiens

Miyako was showering me with compliments the entire ride back. It was already a good thing that both Ai and I were acting in the same movie, earning money for ourselves and the Agency, but who would have thought I'd deliver such a spectacular performance?

Sadly, for whatever plans she was cooking in that wicked head of hers, it'd all be for naught as I don't plan to become an actor. There is no point in that.

The entire ride back home, Ruby stared at me with dagger-like eyes, her frown deep in suspicion. She had a million questions, but she couldn't ask any because of Miyako's presence.

Half an hour later, we reached our home. Our house was a typical modern Japanese house, if a bit more luxurious than normal. This place was bought by Ai with debt, but thanks to the last two years as Ai regained all of her previous fame and went beyond, the debt has been paid.

Ai had been impatiently waiting for us to return from the rehearsals and hugged us both when we entered. I don't... like leaving her alone in the house; butterfly effects are real, so what if the plot proceeds faster and the killer visits us earlier than expected?

"Whoah! Is it true, Miyako-chan?! Are you not exaggerating?"

"No, really, I couldn't even move when Aqua was acting. Oh, but, I did have my phone recording, so I actually have the clip! Do you want to see it?"

"Nice, show me!"

I was in Ai's embrace as she watched the video from Miyako's phone. I heard people felt embarrassed seeing their own recording, but I didn't. Being as great as I am, it's natural that people will want to record me and share.

Seeing the massive smile on Ai's face, with a massive blush along with it, I couldn't help but sigh towards the world. Ahh, have I once again snatched a maiden's heart with my outstanding display? Unfortunately, she is my mother.

"Kyaah~ my cutest Aqua, you really pulled off the creepy kid act!" Ai suddenly lifted me up in the air and grinned at me. "Will you marry mommy when you grow up?"

"...I will think about it," I said dryly, as both Ai and Miyako burst out laughing. Only Ruby stayed silent, glaring at me.

* * *

Only when it was nighttime did Ruby find the chance and courage to come to confront me. Ai wanted to sleep with me and Ruby tonight, but the toddler girl insisted we sleep in the casket, which allowed us some privacy when she stood up and looked at me.

Our casket was placed side-by-side, and she could see me lying down silently when she stood up. I was cultivating with my eyes closed; it was slightly less effective than when one sits cross-legged, but it works even if I am lying down.

I opened my eyes when I felt her gaze, a spark of electricity splashing outwards that she must think was her hallucination.

"You," she said in a voice much less emotional than usual. "Are you a reincarnator?"

The elephant in the room, she went right at it. In the cannon-timeline, the exchange of our reincarnation status happened quite early, so she was open to the concept. However, from her current nervous expression, she wasn't sure how to feel if the answer was 'yes'. She would rather believe my acting was just a result of my genetics.

Now, here is the thing. I can't tell her I am Gorou Amamiya. That'd make her too clingy to me, and that Gorou part of me really wants to tell her and hug her – maybe shed a tear or two seeing her alive again. However, Gorou Amamiya wasn't my only identity.

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