[109] Exorcists, Valkyries, and Gods

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Chapter 109: Exorcists, Valkyries, and Gods

The day passed with a lot of activities. I stood as a spectator for the most part, only occasionally showing the girls some tricks.

Although I've never been an 'Idol' in the modern sense, I've been treated as its more traditional idea a lot of times. Many have worshiped me as their God, so I knew the 'yes and no's of this work.

Plus, I have researched about it enough in my 10th life, and this too due to Ai.

Ai seemed slightly surprised at first when I helped the girls with expertise, but she knew about my other lives, so the surprise didn't last long. The day continued just fine and came to a conclusion where I saw off the girls.

I took a few minutes off my day to drop Mem-Cho home, who loved using me as her Pegasus. Shoko sent us a well-hidden, slightly envious look, though Yuzuru didn't bother to hide her disapproval.

Unfortunately, I couldn't be at two places at the same time.

The day ended just like that, and the next one began with gentle sunlight hitting my eyelids.

* * *

"I'll be going," Ruby said as she finished eating and walked out of the house.

She'd wait for me a few yards away from the main gate so that she didn't have to say Ai goodbyes. She's been doing this thing for the last two months.

Ai tried to keep an indifferent expression as she continued her food, but I didn't miss the quiver of her lips. Asia did too, which spoke volumes about how far this has come since she wasn't the most observant of people.

"Ahm," Ai noticed our attention, quickly clearing her throat and drinking water. "Be quick Aqua, don't leave her waiting there."

"You know I've really tried talking to her about this," I finished my food and said. "But she doesn't listen. She's stubborn."


Ai never treated Ruby badly, not once. Even when she cast me aside for not being her "son", she kept Ruby by her side. Ruby too loved her back, she'd been doing that since her last life. Ai was the only thing that was by her side in her last moments... second only to me.

Though Sarina had never admitted to my face, Doctor Gorou held a bigger spot in her heart than Ai ever did. In the end, Ai never even met her in her last life, but the Doctor sacrificed part of his own life to take care of her. Beyond a doctor, he gave her attention and care she never received. That's why she vowed to marry him, even though Gorou discarded it as a joke every time.

Sarina couldn't stand Ai slapping me. Not when it happened after Ai and I separated. I came to check up on her, to warn anyone lurking in the shadows that I was still there, but instead, I was met with slaps. Although I completely understood the reason behind that, as it looked like I was forcing a kiss on her lips, making her shed tears, which completely justified Ai's reaction, Sarina herself refused to understand that.

'How dare she do that to you, when she has no idea who you are! You died for her once. You treated her so kindly these 15 years, yet said all those harsh words to you about you not being her son! Yet you came back to keep her safe, only for her to repay you like that?!' — was what Ruby yelled when I brought it up to her. I could have tried convincing her further, but I knew it wouldn't work. She was too stubborn and in love to listen to logic.

And really, when someone's feeling angry for you, it's hard to argue, let alone get mad at them. Ruby was clingy, but she was adorable.

Still, I need to think of a way to melt the ice between them... Then again, it's not as if Ai and I are in the best relationship state either.

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