[116] The God-Father of Mankind

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Chapter 116: The God-Father of Mankind

"Uncle, are you in there?" I asked gently at the alien creature who lacked any facial expression for me to read from.

To all of our relief, he nodded slowly. "Ah yes," he sounded different, "I think so."

People around us were giving us weird looks, probably based on the immense light show that just happened. But of course, they couldn't see Ichigo's inhuman form, as the barrier stopped it.

I raised a hand toward the sky and erected an Instant Dungeon. I hadn't done it before since it wouldn't have brought Uncle inside the barrier anyway, him being a normal person and all.

The moment there were zero civilians in the area who may get hurt, all of us rushed in to check on him. He looked a little unsure, scared that he might accidentally hurt someone, but I reassured him with a nod.

After making sure that the change was only in his body and his mind hadn't been corrupted like a monster, we heaved a sigh. He was the same Uncle Ichigo.

"Let me see," I put a hand on his head and said. "Your list of abilities."

"Materialize: Reverse Soul Reflection," I commanded his existence, and a white box prompted in front of his eyes.


Ability Type: Psyker Bloodline Ability

Grade: Red | Energy

Name: Prism Guard

Details: Prism Guard is a transformation-type ability that allows the user to absorb, manipulate, and redirect various forms of energy through their crystalline form. Such as mana, nuclear, solar, and others. This ability not only includes the absorption of energy from external attacks, making them ineffective, but also the redirection of this energy in a variety of forms, such as powerful blasts, protective barriers, or even healing waves. The user can convert harmful radiation, electricity, or even solar energy into usable power, enhancing their own capabilities or discharging it as a counterattack.

At the same time, the user is extremely durable and capable body-wise. The body of a Prism Guard user is akin to a living crystal, granting them enhanced durability against physical and energy attacks and the ability to regenerate from damage by recrystallizing their form. This crystalline nature also allows for the emission of light and UV radiation, useful for illumination or combat purposes. Furthermore, the user can achieve flight by manipulating energy fields around them, offering superior mobility.

### Limitations:

Energy Dependency: The effectiveness of Prism Guard relies on the presence of external energy sources. In low-energy environments, the user's abilities are significantly weakened.

Overload Risk: Absorbing too much energy without proper redirection or utilization can lead to an overload, which might incapacitate the user temporarily or cause harm to their crystalline structure.

Vulnerability to Specific Frequencies: Despite their enhanced durability, users are vulnerable to specific sound or vibrational frequencies that can disrupt their crystalline coherence, causing disorientation or damage.


"See, it's so powerful," I couldn't restrain a grin. This was awesome.

Crystalsapiens were a silicon-based alien race from my 7th life. The Imperium of Man was in a good relationship with them, they weren't enemies. And I must admit our luck that they weren't, because they're extremely powerful by birth.

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