xxi. Dylan Hoffman Epidemic-Situation

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10:03 AM

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10:03 AM

poseidon's prettiest boy🩵
good morningggggg to my prettiest

i hope you slept well

12:36 PM

poseidon's prettiest boy🩵
school lunch is so ass

i wish i didn't have to come :(

also i miss you angel where
have you been todayyyyy

3:45 PM

poseidon's prettiest boy🩵
and what if i died juliet

what if


where the fuck are u

6:45 PM

aphrodite's prettiest child💟
oh my god my love

i'm sorry

i was out all day in the city

it was just so busy and hectic but

i'm so so sorry

poseidon's prettiest boy🩵
you are alllll good juliet!!!!!!!!

who were you out with? phe?

aphrodite's prettiest child💟
phe and a friend

it made me miss you

poseidon's prettiest boy🩵
missed you too

what friend???

aphrodite's prettiest child💟
someone from dancing and stuff
when i was younger

you wouldn't know them

how was your day angel

i must know

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