Shortly after she spoke again, she also said: "Grian we're moving back to London. We're going back." This was a huge surprise to him and he never thought he'd set foot back in a country that had so many bad memories tied to it. "Wh-what?!! No!" Grian yelled as he also began to raise his voice. "I'm not going back!" His mother suddenly grew rather angry herself now as what he said touched a nerve for her. "Pearl can't live by herself! She has no one!" She replied rather sharply. "Why do you even care for her!?!" He finally yelled back after finally cracking from the stress and anger. "She wouldn't answer any of our calls or texts for years!"

"Why are you being so difficult!!" His mother replied in a rather sharp tone. "You were never like this!" "I'm sorry!" He finally yelled back. "But I've changed! I don't give a f-" He then paused before continuing with a slightly more softer tone. "I don't care about them..." "Grian..." His mother paused for a second before saying with a softer and more sympathetic tone. "You don't have to care about them...but we're moving back to London." She then finally stood up and left for her room, leaving Grian alone in the living room. 


Grian was now back on the plane and he looked out the window. As he did so, he remembered the first time he had been on a plane. He was so young and confused as he left London. He had no idea what was really awaiting him in another country and he still didn't. However, now he was back, and he felt a weird sense of dread set over him.

As the plane landed and he finally got off of it, Grian and his mother stood outside waiting for someone. They were holding their bags and just standing there for a bit when a single car parked in front of them. One of the windows rolled down and a man with brown hair and blue eyes was seen within the car as he waved at them pleasantly. His mother also waved back and said: "Theo! Thank you for picking us up."

"No proble-" Theo was about to continue what he was saying until he noticed Grian's rather cold attitude towards him. He didn't even want to talk to him and he wasn't sure why. His mother quickly walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk to put all of their bags in. His Mum then opened the car door for him and he quickly stepped inside. The inside of the car had a boy with blond hair and brown eyes inside which caught him by surprise. As he saw the boy looking down at his phone, he seemed rather shy at first, but he quickly looked up. "Jimmy say hi to Grian! Don't be shy now, remember how excited you were?" Theo said to the boy as he gently nudged him towards him, urging him to interact with him. "Grian you remember Jimmy right? He was your best friend when you were younger!" His Mum continued to smile as she watched the two of them interact with each other.

For the rest of the car ride, Clare and Theo continued catching up on the years passing by while Jimmy and Grian remained silent and alone. 

After another few hours, the car finally stopped outside of a house that Grian did not recognise as his childhood home. It was a different house that belonged to someone else. When he got out of the car, the house door also opened and a girl with long brown hair and light brown streaks in her hair stood there staring at him. She stood there quietly, just staring at him for what seemed like an eternity.  As she stood there, her navy blue eyes seemed to catch his own gaze and suddenly a spark of recognition went through him. He suddenly realised who she was. 

As he stood there, a sudden drop in his heart rate seemed to catch his attention as he slowly realised who he was staring at this entire time. It was his sister...his dear sister that he hadn't seen in years. He thought he could just ignore her..avoid her at all cost but he wasn't expecting to feel this way...and now all these feelings were pouring out like a broken dam.

His Mother then urged him to go up to her and say hi to her. Grian walked over to her and grasped his mum's hand tightly for support before he finally whispered to her calmly. "Let's just go..." he said, barely able to even get the word out of his throat now. "Let's just hurry up and go back to the house." Grian refused to call that place his home and his mother immediately understood. "Hey Theo. How about we leave the reuniting party for tomorrow..." She finally said, speaking directly to Theo, who quickly nodded his head in response. "We're both exhausted from the trip." After this, they both got back into the car but Grian remained silent as his eyes were stuck on his sister as she sat down next to him.

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