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Jimmy had just woken up early one morning and was walking to his new dorm to meet his roommate when he suddenly found himself in front of a boy around his age with teal hair unpacking his stuff. The boy turned around with a smile on his face and spoke softly, "Hi! I'm Scott. Nice to meet you!" Jimmy's heart suddenly fluttered, he was caught totally off guard by this sudden introduction, but he found himself instinctively shaking his hand and introducing himself in return. "I'm Jimmy. Nice to meet you too!" Scott let go of Jimmy's hand and let him sit on the bed across from him. He began to introduce himself and listed off a few different facts about himself. Scott's favourite colour was teal and it reflected his hair colours, he loved cats, his major was visual and performing arts, and he finally mentioned that he was gay. Upon hearing that, Jimmy responded thoughtfully and listed off various facts about himself. His favourite color was green and he loved cats as well. Then, he surprised Scott by revealing that his major was Natural Resources and Conservation and he was, in fact, straight. "I also love playing Minecraft!" Jimmy replied, feeling like he finally found someone who shared the same interests as him. Then he saw the smile on Scott's face that seemed very genuine and warm. Jimmy's heart fluttered, he had finally found this instant connection like he had never experienced before. Even though they just met, Jimmy felt safe and happy around Scott. He felt like they had known each other their whole lives, it was a strange feeling but a deeply comforting one as well. 

Once they were finished unpacking their stuff, Scott suddenly announced that he was hungry and suggested they go to the cafe down the street for a quick snack. Jimmy laughed and nodded in agreement, "Okay, let me get my wallet and we can go." Scott smiled gently and waited patiently while Jimmy went to fetch his wallet. They walked to the cafe together, chatting and enjoying each other's company. The two boys walked into the cafe, which was busy but still small in size. As they entered, they noticed a tiny bell was ringing, the kind you'd expect to find in a cafe with warm lighting and cozy atmosphere. Scott grabbed Jimmy's hand and led them to a table near the window. Scott's gentle, affectionate touch made Jimmy's heart skip a beat, which made him feel uneasy and yet comfortable. They sat down at the table and Scott pulled up a menu to check out the selection. The two young men were greeted by a red-haired girl named Gem, who was friendly and charming. She asked for their orders, and Scott ordered some hot tea along with a blueberry muffin, which was a sweet choice. The girl chuckled playfully, teasing him by implying that he was on a date with Jimmy. Jimmy smiled and laughed as he gave his order for some hot tea and a cinnamon roll. "I'm Jim, nice to meet you," Jimmy said to her. Gem was surprised at how friendly Scott was being towards Jimmy, and she didn't miss the opportunity to tease him a little bit about it. She knew that Scott was usually a very moody and antisocial boy, so she joked that she was shocked that he was acting nice towards Jimmy. Jimmy laughed along with Scott, still feeling the butterflies in his stomach. "Thanks!" Jimmy waved back, appreciating Gem's friendly manner. Scott continued talking to Jimmy, feeling quite comfortable and content with his company. 

Then Gem returned with their food, setting it down in front of them. She was still being a little annoying, but Jimmy was okay with that. She then asked Scott if he wanted to hang out with her and Pearl, and she even offered to bring Jimmy along as their "friend". Scott thought about it briefly, but was ultimately turned down by Jimmy who decided to stay back at the dorm. Gem left, leaving the two young men to continue their dinner together. Scott explained that he wanted to spend time with Jimmy instead of Gem and her friends. Jimmy blushed and whispered "Thanks" in reply. He felt his heart beating faster, and although he did not say so, he was feeling quite overwhelmed and nervous. The atmosphere was still gentle, but there was a certain intensity to it that was beginning to envelop them both. 

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