Kingdoms part 3

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This is part  3 of kingdoms and the last part I hope you like it :D

Grian and Scar had gotten quite a lot closer in their interactions during the past week and were now spending many hours together. Scar had successfully convinced his mother to let Grian visit whenever he wanted to. Meanwhile, Pearl, Lizzie, Jimmy, and Scott noticed how Grian often disappeared after work and on his rest day. They were curious about where he was going every time but had no idea that it was to see the Prince. 

While Grian was spending time with Scar, Jimmy, Scott, Pearl, and Lizzie were in the garden. They were now discussing how Grian kept disappearing so frequently whenever he wasn't busy. This topic had always been a mystery to them all, but now they felt eager to learn what it was that their friend's secret was. Jimmy began the conversation by asking if they ever wondered why he was always absent on random days or after work. Scott shrugged in response and offered a joking theory, as he was often prone to doing. "Maybe he's seeing someone!" he said. The idea made everyone laugh a little, but there was also a sense of curiosity about what Grian could really be doing when he went to disappear so often now. The idea of asking Grian himself about where he has been disappearing to lately was something that the group found appealing. They planned to talk to him about it the next time he came back home. However, in the meantime, Scott was hungry, so he suggested getting some food before that. Pearl then made a playful joke about Lizzie's relationship and made her blush. Lizzie blushed furiously at Pearl's playful joke, which made Scott laugh. They all then agreed that getting food now would be a better option, leaving the question of Grian's whereabouts for later. 

As the group walked to Shelby's cafe, they tried to ignore most of the stares and yells. However, when one man started yelling at Jimmy, the group caught his attention. He was calling him a "Killer" and asking him and his group to leave the kingdom. The rest of the group noticed this and were now on their guard. However, Jimmy did not react and simply continued to walk towards the café. The man grew angrier at Jimmy's dismissive attitude and yelled out his frustration. "Don't ignore us brat!" The man said as he raised his fist and moved in to strike a punch. Jimmy finally reacted and turned to face his assailant. However, instead of waiting for Jimmy's response, Joel quickly stepped in and took a punch for Jimmy in his place. The man became increasingly frustrated with Joel's actions as he had hoped to get to punch Jimmy instead. He was now glaring at Joel with his eyes filled with hate. "You pathetic boy! Why did you do that!" he yelled as Joel was getting himself up. Joel, however, remained quite calm and collected. He replied back with a firm voice that was filled with respect and obedience towards the queen's orders. The man's expression hardened as he saw how little he was able to affect Joel's calm demeanor. He gave a dismissive shrug of his shoulders and made a beeline for Jimmy, pushing him into the wall and punching him in the stomach. This action was met with a cry of fear and distress from the rest of the group, especially Lizzie. "Please stop!" she cried out repeatedly as she tried to do whatever she could to get the man to stop hurting Jimmy. 

The man was seemingly intent on causing Jimmy more harm, but he was interrupted by someone else who suddenly pushed him away. It was Scar who stepped in to help Jimmy out of the situation. The man was caught off guard and tripped over himself, not knowing that this person was actually the Prince. When he taunted him by saying, "What are you gonna do, tell your Mummy?", the Prince simply smirked and summoned the Guards to arrive. He announced that he would have his Mother arrive presently. As the Guards arrived, the man's anger slowly rose as well. His rage had gone from being targeted towards Jimmy to being aimed at the Prince himself. He screamed at the Guards in protest to this action, but the Guards quickly took control of the situation and pushed him away from the kids. The Prince had now called his Mother to arrive and the Guards were awaiting her commands on what to do with this man. The Guards took control of the situation and quickly escorted the man to the castle so he could answer to the Queen. The Prince gave a playful wave at the man as he was being led away. Now that the confrontation was over, the others in the group felt more relaxed. Grian was now hugging Pearl and talking about what had happened. Meanwhile, Scott and Lizzie were caring for Jimmy and Joel. Overall, all the friends were feeling relieved that the situation was over. 

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