Execution Part 2

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HIII!!! This is part 2 of execution :D I hope you enjoyed it 

REMINDER! I am not responsible for any tears or heart breaks :D 

Scar had been staying up late every night for several days, doing paperwork and working himself into exhaustion. His members would often find him passed out on his desk in the early mornings, tired and worn-out from the late nights of work. They would try to get him to rest more but he would always smile and shrug off their worries, saying he had things under control. It was clear that Scar was really dedicated to his work and was putting in long, hard hours to get everything done. The problem was that he was becoming so overworked that his health and well-being were starting to suffer. His members would find him with bags under his eyes and looking exhausted, but he would always reassure them that he was okay and would laugh it off. 

One day Scar realised he hadn't checked on Grian in a while and realised that he actually missed him, which was strange for him. He decided to take a break from his work and walk out of his office, and some of his members were surprised to see him finally leaving the room. Mumbo teased him, saying "Wow, look at you Scar finally out of that office!" Scar smiled and replied, "Yeah, yeah, very funny. Just leave any paperwork you have to do on my desk, will you?" He then walked away to check on Grian. As Scar walked away, Mumbo shouted after him, "Scar just take a break! We'll handle the paperwork you go get some rest!" But Scar was too focused on his destination and didn't hear him. He then approached Grian's room and stopped at the door, taking a moment to prepare himself for what he might find. 

Scar's heart beat sped up and his nerve got the better of him, feeling more nervous and anxious than he would like to admit. But he was also feeling curious and unsure of what he would find once he opened the door. As he opened the door and saw Grian sitting on the bed, reading a book, he was shocked because he looked so relaxed and unlike himself. Grian was wearing a baggy red t-shirt and some black pants, and he seemed genuinely peaceful and content at the moment. Scar felt shocked and a bit amused by this change in the dynamic of the situation. Grian was usually more stoic and emotionless, but now he seemed so laidback and content with things. He was so used to seeing Grian being defensive and angry, so this was a new side of him that was unexpected and oddly refreshing. His behaviour was so different, so relaxed and carefree, it made Scar's heart beat faster because he felt like he was seeing something very different from what he was used to. 

Grian looked up from his book with a puzzled face as Scar walked in, and then he seemed to be concerned about the Mayor's well being. He asked calmly, "Mourning Scar. Are you alright? You look like you haven't had much sleep." He clearly was making a point to show a level of concerned for the Mayor that he did not usually display. The Mayor then replied calmly with a small smile, saying, "Morning, Gri. I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me. I just wanted to see how you were doing." 

Grian placed his book down and walked over to Scar, then abruptly put his hands on the Mayor's face, which caused him to blush profusely. Grian looked surprised and a bit concerned as he asked, "Scar, you're burning up! Do you want me to call one of your members? "The Mayor immediately replied, "No! No! Sunshine, I'm fine!" He then gently removed Grian's hands from his face and smiled shyly at him. 

FUN FACT! Did you know the name Grian means sun??? :O

Grian looked at him with concern, and then suddenly and unexpectedly grabbed the Mayor and dragged him over to the couch. It was clear by the look on his face that he was planning on taking care of the Mayor while he was feeling sick and exhausted, with no regards for the Mayor's consent. The Mayor laughed softly and asked, "Sunshine? What are you doing?" The Mayor looked stunned and surprised but also secretly amused by this whole interaction. "I'm taking care of you! That's what I'm doing!" Grian said lovingly and gently, giving Scar a blanket and pillow. Scar could feel his smile grow and his heart flutter as he realised how caring Grian was being towards him. It was like they were both forgetting their rivalry and just becoming two people taking care of each other and being there for one another. Grian saw this and asked, "Sunshine? Where did that name come from?" Scar looked away and quickly blushed, unsure of what he should say. He wasn't sure where the name had just come from himself, only that it felt right for Grian, and he liked calling him that. 

Flower Husbands and Desert Duo One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora