Dear Soulmate

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The song for today is Dear soulmate by Laufey (I LOVE HER MUSIC SO MUCHLJSHSJLHDLS) !!!

This universe is not the same as the other one I've written 


Do you live in New York City
Or a couple towns away?
Wherever you are, I'd jump in my car
Just to see you today
Will I meet you at a party?
Sit next to you on a plane?
Maybe I already know you and love you
But will fall in love some day
Dear soulmate
Do you think of me? 'Cause I do
Do you have green eyes or are they brown like mine?
Do you have a sister too?
Dear soulmate
One day I'll give this song to you
We will drive up to the mountains?
Camp in a little tent?
When the bears come at night
Will you put up a fight?
Or will you hide with me in my flashlight?
Do you sleep on the right side?
'Cause I prefer the left
Will you make me butter toast?
Perhaps a morning roast
When I wake up and I'm sad?
Dear soulmate
Do you think of me? 'Cause I do
Do you have blue eyes or are they brown like mine?
Do you have a sister too?
Dear soulmate
One day I'll give this song to you
Dear soulmate
I can't wait to fall in love with you

Everyone in the world is supposed to have a soulmate, someone who they are fated to be connected to and share their lives with. Yet some people never find their soulmate, instead they wonder around the world trying to search for them and failing. The Watchers, who watch the people from up above and feel sad for those who can't find their soulmate, decided to come up with a game to help people find that missing piece of their life. 

Once a year, a strange group of people would be contacted to play their strange and dangerous game. They would each be given a soulmate, someone they were fated to be connected to for all their lives. They would all have three lives, and would try to be the last one standing in the end. If you lost all three lives, you would lose all your memories of your soulmate and your time spent in the game, and would be returned to the world to try and reconnect with your soulmate once again. The winner would be rewarded by being given the option to become a watcher.

Grian was one of the Watchers, beings who watched from above and oversaw this strange and dangerous game. Even Watchers like Grian had soulmates, someone who they were fated to be connected to and share their lives with. Grian always wondered what his soulmate would be like and how they would meet, feeling like there was a missing piece in his life that he needed to find. 

Grian's parents, who were also Watchers, saw how their son was always watching the mortals on earth and longing to join them and find his soulmate. It broke their hearts to see him so long for a connection like that, so they went over to the higher ups and begged them to let their son play the game just once and find his soulmate. The higher ups finally gave in and agreed to let Grian play the game, under the condition that he would have to follow the same rules as the mortals and that he would not be given any special privileges or advantages. Grian's parents were just relieved and grateful that their son would finally have the chance to find his soulmate and join the mortals in the game. Grian's parents had no idea that when he was sent down to earth he would lose all his memories of being a Watcher. They thought he was just going to be playing the game like all the other mortal players were doing, and that he would return back with all of his memories intact after the game. But when he lost his third and final life, he would be sent back to the Watchers without any memories of the game he just played, just like everyone else. 

Days had passed and the day of the start of the games was final here. Grian was in the Watcher's hall, watching the timer count down and feeling eager and nervous about finally joining the mortals and playing the game. Then, in a flash of light, a portal opened up under him and he found himself in the game without any memories of being a Watcher. He was just another player in the game, now, with no knowledge of what he was getting himself into. The only thing Grian remembered was the rules of the game and the concept of soulmates, nothing else. He had no memory of being a Watcher or what the Watchers did. His life was now the game, and the only thing that mattered to him was surviving and finding his soulmate. 

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