Unendurable Peregrination

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A strange News

The Shashthi booned Manyata with a baby in her belly, but this news fell in Purushottam's lap and his reaction was a mixture of emotions
The Unborn child proliferates Purushottam's exasperation.

In those 9 months...

Upheaval in Purushottam's demeanour can be witnessed, As he Unconsciously unravels his waspish expression, he spends his all-day hang-out with his friends and the night spent beneath sin's shroud and this continues for more than months. But one morning Purushottam penetrated the accommodation, and Manyata questioned the non-presence of his physical state this instigated heated arguments. In an extreme rage, Purushottam Lock her in the accommodation.

It was during that period of deepening bond and unwavering alliance between Punia Devi and Manyata that their camaraderie evolved into an unbreakable union. The gestures exchanged between them transcended mere formality, embodying profound maternal care and nurturing. Punia Devi, with pure love and affection, took it upon herself to provide sustenance to Manyata, going as far as personally feeding her, tending to her needs, and adopting traditional beliefs in the efficacy of amulets for pregnant women.

Despite being rude or mean, Each of Punia's actions towards Manyata reflected not only her compassionate nature but also a timeless devotion to ensuring the well-being of her companion. Through the simple yet heartfelt acts of tending to her and catering to her needs, Punia exemplified a kind-hearted demeanour rooted in genuine care and consideration. This nurturing essence fostered a deeper connection between the two, solidifying their bond as not just companions but as individuals intricately linked by an unspoken understanding and mutual support.

Whereas Manyata was filled with repentance for being with Purushottam and she used to be scared to ask or question Purushottam for his non-presence.

One day, Manyata requested Punia to investigate Purushottam's whereabouts by emulating his actions, but Punia's efforts were in vain as she was unable to discover any information about Purushottam.

Upon the completion of those nine months, a baby boy was born. Manyata was overjoyed with the arrival, but Purushottam sensed that the child might affect his way of living, particularly due to Manyata's insistence on him getting married.

Manyata was overwhelmed with a sense of happiness and fulfilment, only to have her emotions shattered by the sudden arrival of Shashinath and Saraswati. In a heart-wrenching turn of events, they insisted that Manyata and Purushottam should marry, taking the baby away from her despite her protests and tears. Though initially resistant, Manyata felt compelled to agree, while Purushottam, struggling with his financial limitations, stood firm in his decision not to proceed with the marriage out of a desire to assert his independence.

Despite Manyata's desperate attempts to change the course of events, the outcome remained unchanged. As Lakhlani departed, leaving Manyata behind in a sea of tears, she found herself overwhelmed with anger and disappointment towards Purushottam. This unexpected turn of events left Manyata grappling with a mix of emotions, unsure of what the future held for her and the baby boy she had come to love and care for.

Upon witnessing Purushottam's carelessness and disinterest in the apparent situation, Manyata raised questions that triggered Purushottam. Being questioned Purushottam, he used to abuse her, yell at her and lock her in accommodation. During this disheartened atmosphere, Manyata and Punia Devi's camaraderie became stronger.

During one night, Punia traced Purushottam's footprints, which led to a surprising turn of events.

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