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"Remember that goodness will always prevail, and evil will never truly thrive."

One morning, the silence was pouring in the form of rain, and the pouring rain eventually went into the drain, A boy was standing with an axe in hand, the axe was immersed in scarlet and the scarlet was percolating from the axe. The scarlet was adrift in the rainwater and eventually went along with the water.

The boy who was standing with an axe in his hand was none other than Purushottam, the scarlet that was percolating was of Balakrishnan and then the Tranquility broke, by the raucous skirmish of cloud.

...The reason for his death was his conduct, he tried to ease his hunger for soma by making Purushottam as prey..but...
The evil was decimated but his embossment was left, in the form of Purushottam's existence...

The boy distributed the sum, which had been accumulated by Balakrishnan, among all the children, thus freeing them from a life of slavery. He was the last one remaining in the dwelling of the devil before he departed from hell. He then approached the wheelchair of Rudraksh, where Purushottam apologized for Rudraksh's non-existent presence.

...Days slip as the sand slips from hands and with the day the money is also gone...but in all that, the only thing that remained abysmal was Purushottam's personality....

Trayambak Mahapatra, a prominent seller of utensils, is recognized for his gracious demeanour towards all individuals. His business has flourished and grown in Orisa, however, he is consistently concerned about the lack of labour available. Consequently, he is constantly in search of a skilled or unskilled workforce.

From whichever alley, he used to go, every resident greeted him. His milky-white Dhoti was without any Crease but well-ironed, the Tilak on his forehead was as bright as the Surya Prakash, his moustache touching his cheeks from both sides, the head (which was turning into Plenilune) was burdened by a Nehru cap [which gesture to every distressed human being there is the solution for every problem], the ivory kurta along with Nehru coat and the wooden Lathi was leading in his outer physical appearance and illuminating him in the bazaar of Mayurbhanj.

Early in the morning, the angel clad in ivory attire proceeded toward his shop where he encountered a teenage boy, who appeared dishevelled from the darkness of the previous night and had dirty clothes. Despite his appearance, the boy was sound asleep, and it was none other than Purushottam.

He woke Purushottam and took him to his house (after opening the shop). Trayambak penetrated with a calling voice to his family servant "Bua daii". Bua daii was a strict old dame, she was wrapped in a shell-pink plain suit, and her lips were drenched in scarlet colour because she was chewing the famous Hyderabadi "Paan" when she opened her mouth to inquire about Purushottam the saliva spittled.

Trayambak shared his plan with his Bua day to help Purushottam and offer him a place to stay. However, Bua Daii did not seem pleased with the idea. In an attempt to persuade her, Trayambak offered to provide Purushottam with food, new clothing, a place to live, and a job. Trayambak hoped that his Bua day would understand the importance of helping someone in need and allow Purushottam to stay with them.

On the same fateful night, Bua Daii made her way to Purushottam's accommodation, determined to uncover the truth about his abilities. Despite her best efforts, Purushottam remained tight-lipped and refused to divulge anything substantial. Bua Daii tried to provoke him, but all she could extract from him was a lie. He claimed to be an orphan who had been kicked out by his uncle and aunt under the cover of darkness. However, this fabrication only fueled the emotions of Bua Daii, who clung to Purushottam, moved by his supposed misfortune.

....Mahapatra had always treated Purushottam with great affection as if he were their child. They provided him with many opportunities to pursue his education, and showered him with kindness and warmth, always going out of their way to do him favours. However, despite their generosity, Purushottam's true nature was one of treachery and deceit. These traits seemed to be ingrained in his very character, making it impossible for him to appreciate the love and support that had been given to him...

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Just wanted to remind you all to vote and share your thoughts about the story. I'm really curious to hear what you guys think!

And of course, I just wanted to say a heartfelt THANK YOU for your time and support. You're all amazing!♡

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