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" In theological and philosophical contexts, sin refers to the act of violating moral principles or divine laws. Contrary to being a permanent state of existence, sin is viewed as a specific action or choice that goes against the perceived will of a higher power or ethical code. This distinction is important as it suggests that individuals have the capacity for redemption and can seek forgiveness for their sins through penance, repentance, and other forms of atonement.

The belief that sin is an act and not a state of being carries profound implications for moral agency and personal responsibility. It implies that individuals are capable of making autonomous choices and are accountable for their actions, allowing for the possibility of growth, transformation, and spiritual renewal. Rather than being defined solely by their past transgressions, individuals are invited to reflect on their behaviors, seek reconciliation, and strive towards a more virtuous and ethical way of life.

By recognizing sin as a discrete act rather than a fixed condition, individuals are encouraged to take ownership of their actions, engage in self-examination, and pursue a path of moral integrity and spiritual growth. This perspective underscores the transformative potential of human agency and the enduring possibility of redemption and forgiveness.

Over the years, Geetanjali's suffering escalated while the behaviour of Vatsalya towards other women remained polite, yet he displayed a phlegmatic demeanour towards his child and wife. Geetanjali endured physical violence, mental abuse, and a tumultuous life.....

Purushottam's childhood has taken a turn for the worse, as he feels like he is being oppressed by the stressful circumstances and his educational opportunities are nonexistent. His behaviour has become precocious, as he engages in arguments, abuse, and acrimony towards Geetanjali. Interestingly, he only engages in arguments with Geetanjali and not with Vatsalya, likely due to a fear of his father.

One day, Purushottam ended up with a thought of elopement and he did what he thought. From the point where he was standing, the elopement was discernible but he wasn't oblivious to the danger. Due to the precocious nature of Purushottam, his friends were older than him but whom he considered friends were his real foes.

In the evening, when Geetanjali returned home, at the threshold she called Purushottam "Puru babu, see what I bought for you". When silence came instead of Purushottam's voice. Geetanjali frantically entered the house and commenced searching for Purushottam. Upon being unable to locate him within the house, she proceeded to search for him by going from one house to another. Only Purushottam's scoundrel friends were familiar with the route to return from the path that they had arrived at. The megalopolis left Purushottam aghat, the megalopolis was beyond his imagination. His state of mind was delusional as he believed that others were assisting him, however, this delusion was soon shattered. Let's see how it's broken...

.....Wandering barefoot, unaware route, swirling tears in their eyes, soiled red tee and dusty half-pant highlighting his existence in that busy bazaar of Debagarh
Purushottam was tripped by the crowd, which is indicative of their self-serving traits. Nobody with a sense of consciousness was present in that gathering...

In the Dead of Night, Purushottam roams around in search of unscrupulous companions. [... unbeknownst Purushottam was not aware that they left him in the idle bazaar of Debagarh] his countenance became scorched due to the burning day, his foot pierced by gravel and he was mentally and physically exhausted.

Purushottam went to a Daba inadvertently. a fogey man was sitting on the bench of that roadside hotel with two ignited cigars one in mouth and the other in hand, his head was covered with an ascot cap, his shoulder was burdened by an overcoat and his leg entered into soiled Chelsea shoe. He offered food and beverages to Purushottam and Solace a sobbing Purushottam. He took advantage of the situation and said "Might...I can help you..if you come with me". Poor Purushottam's teary eyes now changed into radiance. However, once the blindfolded eyes are opened, they will remain open indefinitely.

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