Into your heart

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It's been a few weeks since I've admitted to myself that i'm in love with Y/n.

So I decided I wanted to confess to her because I can't keep this a secret anymore. So I texted her.

heyyyy love

hey walkieeeee

I was wondering if you could hangout today?? I have something to tell you.

yeah sure
is it something bad?!?

depends on how you take it.

oh ok
i'll be over in like 15 minutes
Read at 3:48PM

oh god i'm so scared...

Y/n is finally here and we've just been talking and laughing with each other.


"So what was it you were going to tell me?" She asked me while turning her body my way. I started blushing and getting nervous.

I stayed silent until I found the right words. "You know that, I love you." I say while looking at my hands.

"Oh course I do Walker! You're my best friend." She said while grabbing one of my hands.

Best friend the worst thing to be called by your crush.

"Do you love me?" I ask in a whisper. "Of course I do walker." She said while also into a whisper.

"No like do you really love me like how I really love you." I say while looking at her eyes. "Walker? What are you trying to say?" She asked me.

"Answer my question Y/n." I say sternly. "Of course Walker I really do love you. Now you answer my question." She said sternly back.

"Then let me into your heart!" I said while raising my voice a little bit. "What." She asked in a whisper.

"You really got a hold on me." I say while standing up. As Y/n was about to say something i continued. "So please let me into your heart." I said in a whisper.

Y/n then stands up. "Walker I-" Y/n started to say but stopped.

I put my hands on her waist and she put hers on my neck. "Please Y/n. I can't take it not being with you.." I say while leaning my head on her shoulder.

"And I can't take not being with you either Walker." Y/n whispered while playing with my hair.

I lifted my head up and looked Y/n in the eyes. I flicked my eyes from hers to her lips then back to her eyes.

I started to lean in and she did too. Our lips finally met and I immediately melted into the kiss. I couldn't be happier.

We broke apart and put our heads together "I love you Y/n. Please be my girlfriend." I say basically begging her to be my girlfriend.

"Of course I will Walker." She said and we kissed again.

Man today went a lot better than I thought.

here's part 2 to my last imagine
And i have some news
today was my first football game AND MY TEAM WON
anyway thought I let you guys know love of love Melly❤️

Walker Scobell imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now