The injury

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I just updated this so there isn't as many exclamation points! I didn't even realize how much i put😭

But don't worry most of them are gone now!

I was playing in my plays offs for football! I play tackle football and i'm the only girl on the guys team. I'm really good at playing and i get a lot of compliments.

My boyfriend Walker is my biggest supporter no doubt! He's at every game and he always brings me flowers. I love him and I don't deserve him one bit.

It's halftime right now and the team is currently in the boys locker room going over plays. I'm a receiver so I get thrown to a lot! It's kinda stressful but i love it!

Anyway it's after halftime and we go onto the field and I go and do a post. A post is where you run five yards and turn left 45 degrees! so that's what I was doing.

I was waiting for the ball to be hiked and once it was I was off! I got thrown to and I immediately got tackled.

See the con of being the only girl on the boys teams is i'm a lot smaller than the guys. So when I get tackled I get tackled! And this hit hurt like a bitchhhhh

I could hear everyone go silent. I fall to the ground and I get the wind knocked out of me and then i get a sharp pain in my leg and arm...

I stay on the ground and the medics come running into the field.

I regain my breath so i can talk "Hey Y/n! Are you ok? That was a nasty hit!" The medics ask me. "Does it look like i'm ok?!?" I ask. Yes it was harsh but I mean come on I just hurt my arm and leg so bad I'm crying right now because it hurt so bad.

"What hurts Y/n?" They ask me. "My leg and arm!" I tell them while crying and trying to move. They proceed to tell me that I have to get up and off the field.

After a few minutes of pain and struggling and standing. I see Walker trying to get to me but he can't come onto the field. I start crying when I see him.

The medics help me to the side line. Once i start walking it all starts going black. Out of no where I feel myself collapse and i hear Walker yell my name.

As i'm watching my girlfriend try and walk I can tell she's not doing so good. I see her collapse and I yell her name. I don't fucking care if i can't go on the field im going!

I quickly run to her. I hear people yelling at me to get off the field but I stay running to her.

Once i'm next to her I look at her. Those fucking idiots didn't even take her helmet off! I take her helmet off of her and then loosen her pads for her. The medics are asking me questions but i'm more worried about my girlfriend right now.

"Aren't you guys gonna fucking move her?!?!" I yell at them once i loosen her pads. The medics immediately pick up Y/n and take her to the side line me following closely behind.

Once they get the cart thing out to put her on I get on next to her and sit there. I'm praying to god she's ok!

She's breathing but still i'm praying to god she's ok!

All of a sudden I see her eyes start to open..

When i open my eyes I see a worried looking Walker. I was going to say something but Walker cut me off. "Shhh your ok! everything's ok!" he says as he plays with my hair. I start to close my eyes again bur Walker starts talking again.

"I need you to stay awake my love." He says softly. Hes making it harder to stay awake.

After a few minutes we get to the hospital and i'm taken to a room! Lucky Walker was able to go with me. He contacted my parents who are in a different state about what's going on.

Once we get into the room they take me to do an x-ray. After that they took me back to the room to rest.

"What happened?" I asked Walker. "Well you were playing and you caught the ball but then got hit really badly. After that you laid on the ground and the medics came to talk to you. They got you to stand up but then you lost consciousness. And now we're here!" Walker explained softly to me. I just nodded at this information.

After an hour we found out I did break my arm and leg. And i do have a concussion so i'm out for the rest of the season which was already over!

I got to go back home and Walker stayed with me and he was the best during my recovery time! I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend!

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