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I was currently on my period and it sucks balls. i've been having the WORST cramps of my life and i feel like im gonna die.

i stayed home from school today because of how bad my cramps were. i forgot to tell walker that i was staying home. but can you blame me i was curled up in a ball so texting him wasn't my first thought.

you know walker walker scobell the famous percy jackson? well hes my boyfriend. i love him very very much. but he's kinda protective of me so not telling him i was staying home worried him.

all of a sudden my bedroom bursted open with a worried looking walker.

"ARE YOU OK?!?!" he asked very concerned and kinda panicky seeing me curled up. i looked up at him and he became even more worried seeing my tear stained face. he immediately came over to me and cupped my face in his hands.

"Hi walker." i say trying not to cry in front of him.

"Hi love. what's wrong?" walker says looking me in my eyes. that's when i lose it in front of him. i just break down crying. he immediately hugged me and was just comforting me.

"Hey love you need to tell me what's wrong so i can help you." walker says to me.

"I'm just on my period right now and i'm cramping super bad and i've been having the worst mood swings." i rant on about how im feeling while walker sits there cuddling and listening to me.

"Is there anything i can do to help?" walker asks. bless his soul i don't deserve him one bit.

"just sitting here is good enough walks." i say
to him so he doesn't have to worry about getting me stuff.

"ok love just try and sleep! i'll be here when you wake up!" walker says as he puts his hands around my waist. i just hummed as a response. then before i know it im sound asleep in my boyfriends hands not cramping anymore!

Welcome to my imagines book! i also have another book out so please make sure to check it out! Also leaving comments help me come up with ideas! Well that's all so byeeeeee

Walker Scobell imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora