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A week had passed and it was the night before the day of the dance / ball.

I was asleep when I woke up to Mark crying. I couldn't really tell that it was him at the start. I got out of bed and walked over to Mark's room. I stopped at the door when I saw Jungkook holding Mark in his arms.

Mark was resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder as he cried rubbing his eyes. "Hey buddy, it's okay" Jungkook whispered. "The man got me" Mark cried as tears fell from his face. "I'll fight the man for you" Jungkook said as he walked around the room while holding Mark in his arms.

"But he was strong and he hurt me" Mark sniffled. "I'm strong, I'll hurt him if he ever hurts you again" Jungkook said hugging him. "Really" Mark said looking at him. "Mark ? I'd do anything for you" Jungkook said. Mark nodded and laid his head back on Jungkook's shoulder. Mark seen me. I put my finger over my lip, signaling him to be quiet.

Mark shut his eyes. "Thanks Jungkook" Mark yawned. "No problem buddy, now go to sleep, we have the ball today" he said putting him back in his bed. "My neck hurts" Mark whined. "I'll get you some of your medicine now" Jungkook said tucking him in.

"Does your leg hurt" Mark asked him. "A little" Jungkook said looking at his boot. Jungkook couldn't handle not being able to walk so he got a boot instead.

Jungkook went to walk out and saw me. "Oh hi" he said limping out. "Your leg is hurting you" I said to him annoyed. "No it's not, I'm fine" Jungkook said. Jungkook was stressed. "What's wrong" I asked him worriedly. Jungkook Shut Mark door. "Y/N he keeps having nightmares" Jungkook sighed. "I know, he'd have them all the time" I said. "They stopped for awhile but started again like 2 weeks ago" Jungkook said.

"I'm worried, he's not getting sleep and keeps remembering you in his dreams" Jungkook said.

"I know the feeling" I said. "I'd never sleep because of the nightmares, he probably doesn't either" I said sadly. "So what helped you stop them, what helped you calm them" he asked. "Calming them is easy, don't turn the light off, let him know he's safe, put on calming music" I said listing off things to calm them. "How did you stop them" he begged me. "You" I said looking at him. "What" he asked confused. "You stopped them" I said shrugging. "Being in your arms at night, it made them go away" I said staring at the ground.

"Although, they never really left, it's trauma, you'll never be able to take it away, that's just how it is" I said sad that I couldn't help. "If it gets worse, we will have to put him on sleeping medication, he needs his sleep" I said. "There are no dreams, they are memories, that's the problem" I said shaking my head.

"Can you go in there, calm him down, I could still feel him shaking from fear as I put him down" Jungkook asked. I looked at him and nodded slightly. "Just until I get the medicine" he said limping downstairs.

I opened Mark's door. "I heard you had a bad dream" I said to him. "I'm not a kid, you don't need to watch me" he said stubbornly. "There bad aren't they" I asked him with a soft smile. He sighed and nodded.

"It's okay to be scared" I said sitting down next to him on his bed. "You're always in them" he said. "But it's never me that gets hurt, it's you" he said looking at me full of regret. "I'd get killed for you" I said smiling at him. "But you don't even know me that well" he said confused. "You're a good person, that's all I need to know" I said smiling at him. "Now I know how these nightmares feel, trust me, I get them too" I said. "I have a monster in mine" I said.

"A monster" he questioned. "A ruthless monster, an unforgiving monster" I said. "But it's probably nothing like yours, yours feels real doesn't it" I asked him. "Yep" he chirped as he nodded. "Well, Jungkook may be able to fight off people in the real world, but I will always protect you in the dream world" I said stroking his cheek. "Thanks Y/N" he said hugging me the best he could with his neck still hurting.

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