A Walk On The Wild Side (Cerise Hood)

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Cerise was having a bad day, and it all started when she woke up. Cedar was gone, but she forgot to pick up her wood shavings so Cerise got a splinter in her foot. Then Cerise slipped on a sock she forgot to put away and ended up spilling Cedar's paint all over her cloak.

Cerise was annoyed, but she could make it through the day. She just needed some food and she would be set. But, for some reason, the school decided to have today be Vegetarian Day. No meat or animal based products. That meant no meat.

And in class all she got were more and more assignments. More stress on top of stress. And to top it all off, after a horrible lunch, she saw her dad in the hallway. She wanted to talk to him, confind in him. She wanted to hug him and get a short break in a day filled with never ending torment. But, she couldn't. Because her father was the Big Bad Wolf, and she was the next Little Red Riding Hood.

She just kept her head down and kept walking.

So when school let out and she felt ready to just break down into a puddle of tears, she instead snuck off to take a run through the woods with Carmen, her pet Wolf. She ran and ran and tried to not let the day get to her. She was Cerise Hood, she didn't cry. She didn't get stressed.

???: WHOA!

Cerise quickly snapped out of her thoughts when she collided with someone. Her body was shocked with pain but she felt otherwise fine. She lifted her head and rubbed the sore spot before realizing she was now surrounded by fruit.

The trail soon lead to a brown leather boot connected to a leg just out of her view. She pushed herself up to her knees and looked to see a boy laying there groaning. She immediately scrambled to her feet to help him.

Cerise: Oh my godmother, I'm so sorry! I want paying attention and....

She held out a hand towards the boy, only to find that he looked to be the same age as her. He lifted his cap enough to see her and smiled.

???: Oh, it's not worry.

He took her hand and she pulled you back to your feet. He began to dust himself off before looking at the spilled fruit, sighing. It might take a minute to clean it up and get it back into the basket.

Cerise: Let me help.

???: It's alright. Shouldn't even take too long.

Still she knelt down and start to pick up some of the pomegranates. He figured there was no use in turning her down, so he began to pick up fruit himself. It didn't take long before it was all back in the basket and he was able to pick it up again.

Cerise was still pretty embarrassed by the whole situation, keeping her head down with Carmine sitting between the two of them.

???: Thank you for the help.

Cerise: It's the least I could do. Sorry again.

He just waved it off before noticing Carmine. He smiled.

???: Your wolf?

Cerise looked at her companion and rubbed her arm shyly.

Cerise: I wouldn't say he's my pet. He's my companion.

???: Oh, I see. So you must be one of them Destiny Kids from Ever After. Weird seeing one of you out so far.

Cerise quickly noticed that she had never seen him before. Not even in passing. He seemed to be a normal teenager. She must've taken a weird turn and ended up in a different village. She should still be in Snow White's kingdom, but it could also be Sleeping Beauty's.

Cerise: Yeah. The next Red Riding Hood.

The boy tilted his head, smirking a bit.

???: Really, now? Is being a Wolf part of that destiny?

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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