A Sceret Love Pt. 1 (Faybelle Thorn)

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Ever After High was a place where many students were expected to act a certain way. That included those who were supposed to be evil and follow in their evil parents' destinies.

This rang true especially for one Faybelle Thorn. The daughter of the Evil Fairy. Head Cheerhexer. She also runs and leads a villians club.

It's about as fun as it sounds.

Faybelle Thorn, a girl who was destined to put Briar Beauty to sleep for 100 years. She was a product of her lineage and it showed.

Faybelle was told by her mother, 'Never hide in the shadows', which is why Faybelle always wears glittery accessories, and bright clothes, preferably blue.

Everyone knew who she was. And while many did see her as a genuine threat, she sometimes fell short of her evil deeds.

Today was one such day where her plans back fired.

Faybelle peered around the corner at an unattended locker. She looked around to make sure that no one was looking before smirking. She slipped away and reached the locker where she began to cast a spell. Once she was done, she snickered before ducking behind cover.

The classes let out and everyone began to drop off their hexbooks for the day. One Blondie Locks began to approach her locker to put away her own hexbooks. However, when she got closer, she heard a low growl. She came to a stop and looked at her locker in confusion.

She slowly began to reach out towards it as other students began to take notice. Faybelle watched closely in anticipation.

Blondie Locks was supposed to deal with the three bears, right? Faybelle figured she could use a bit of practice.

Blondie's fingers brushed against the metal, but the locker flew up baring large, sharp fangs. It let out a roar that made Blondie jump back, only for thr locker to be slammed shut by someone else.

You held the door close before pulling out a dagger. You then made a cut into the metal which caused it to stop.

Blondie: Y/N!

You turned back to her and smiled charmingly.

Y/N: Ahoy. You alright?

Faybelle groaned in anger while you and Blondie talked. Others began to surround her while Faybelle stormed off. She was unaware that you had saw her walk away in anger. You sighed, knowing fully what she was trying to do.

You were no stranger to people expecting you to be like your parent. Yours was Captain Hook, after all. Many expected you to be a nasty, rotten, evil pirate. Many were surpised to find that you were actually quite nice. Even more people were surpised to find that you were actually quite a charming person. Of course, the Charmings knew this since you had a long history with them.

While you didn't side with either the Royals or the Rebels, choosing to stay neutral through the conflict, you were always ready to help a friend. You got along with mostly everyone at the school. The only people you didn't were those who didn't wish to get along with you.

You didn't care one way or the other. You lived your life by your own law. Destiny or whatever wasn't even an afterthought for you. This did cause problems with Milton Grimm, the headmaster of the school, who was very pro-destiny.

Still, you figured you should have a chat with Faybelle about her little "prank". Luckily, you wouldn't have to wait long.
You let out a sigh as you reached the hidden staircase that would lead up to your room.

Your room was a bit..out of the way. Unlike most of the rooms in the student dormitories, your was more secluded. To get to it, you needed to walk up a hidden flight of stairs. A flight of stairs that very few knew about.

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