Dreams Of The Heart Pt. 1 (Apple White)

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Apple found herself enjoying the gentle breeze of this lovely spring day. The weather was perfect. Or, as Blondie would say, "just right". And what better way to enjoy it than a picnic?

Especially with someone special to her?

Y/N: You want some more lemonade?

Apple turned to you and smiled. The daughter of Snow White and the son of Captain Hook. Who knew these two could be such good friends? It truly was odd, but no one was all that surpised by it.

Well, for the most part.

Apple: I can never say no to your lemonade.

You took her cup and poured her a glass while she watched. She couldn't find it in her to deny that you were a handsome guy. You were also incredibly nice and fairy charming. Your reputation rivaled that of Daring Charming's.

The only difference is that you were always ready to help someone who needed it. Strange for a pirate, but everyone had a sense of respect for you. You were a man of honor and you were honest.

Apple: I'm enjoying this. Thank you for inviting me out.

You just smiled as you handed her the glass back. She gladly took it while you leaned back against the tree. The gentle breeze felt nice against your skin. It was so nice that you had taken off your coat, exposing your bare arms along with the tattoo that snaked around your upper bicep. Apple found it hard not to look.

Y/N: This is a nice day. Can't think of a better way to spend it than with such lovely company.

Apple giggled behind her hand when you winked at her. She knew that the two of you could never truly be a couple, but she found herself unable to say no to spending time with you.

You both looked at each other in silence for a moment. You smirked. Apple loved it when you did that. Something about your smile just sent shivers down her spine. Almost like a spell was cast on her, even though you didn't know any magic.

Y/N: You really are beautiful, you know.

Apple found her cheeks growing hotter at your words. Your tongue had to be laced with silver. You were too charming for this to be real. She was Apple White, after all. She shouldn't even be acting like this around you.

This was a date, right?

You had taken her to the Enchanted Forest so that the two of you could be alone. The stream of clear water rolled by down the hill and the beautifully green trees swayed gently. The smell of spring was relaxing and everything was perfect.

Apple: You're such a flirt.

You moved a bit closer towards her.

Y/N: Only around you.

Her heart began to flutter as you leaned in. Her eyes closed as you got closer.

Honk Honk!

Apple's eyes suddenly shot wide open and she sat upright at the loud sound of Dutchess' swan, Pirouette, that seemed to act as the alarm to the girl's side of the dorm. Also a harsh reminder that what Apple had just experienced was nothing more than a....a dream.

Raven: I know I don't want to be evil and everything, but I'm seriously thinking about hurting that bird.

Apple looked over to her roommate, Raven Queen, before letting out a sigh. She placed a hand over her chest to feel her still fluttering heart. That dream felt so...real. But why did she suddenly dream about you of all people?

Raven: You okay, Apple? You're looking a bit red.

Apple quickly covered her cheeks. Was she still blushing? How was she supposed to explain this to Raven. She would absolutely turn it on her the next time she tried to convince her to sign the Storybook of Legends.

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